Dont send Money never. She asking every Day new Peoples and others for same same. You not the only One. No Money no Honey. A good Thai Lady never ask for Money.
This is Thailand. I cancel my flights, forget travel Thailand until Situation better. I not wasting my Time and Money for nothing. Phillipiens are open easy Way now.
If Emergency you already finit Booking and sit in Airplane except asking People. Emergency? but Plan for February ? Look like you not in hurry.
You must book and pay 1. and Night 5 with PCR Tests. You get tested in Room and waiting for Test come Back. Canot cancel Day 5 you will have big Problems and they find you sure.
If positiv you go 10 Days up in Quarantäne until test negativ.
Have 2 choises make Holiday or Stay in Quarantäne. Its Poker Game.