Overstay one month and 10 days . 500 for day this country is a scam and 5200 bath Pcr test in Bangkok. Never again they don’t deserve anything ... Buddhist country 😂😂the only thing they see is money and cow .
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion revolves around a person's experience of overstaying their visa in Thailand by one month and ten days, expressing frustration over the imposed fine and PCR test costs. Many commenters remind the individual that breaking immigration laws has consequences, emphasizing that fines and regulations are enforced in every country. They criticize the individual's lack of respect for Thai laws and argue that the penalties are reasonable compared to global standards. Others share their own experiences with visa extensions and fines, highlighting the importance of adhering to immigration regulations.
Thats is a long overstay. You deserve to be fined. Stop whining.
Andre *********
You were lucky just to pay a fine. Many countries in the world put you into jail if you overstay such a period. And by the way, if you not agree the rules of Thailand, just stay away.
Todd *********
Safe travels home! Chalk that up to 'lessons learned'.
Niall ********
The rules are the rules. I overstated back in November but not because I was being cavalier to the rules, it was a misunderstanding. I was given a document that said report back in 90 days, but my visa stamp was only good for 60 days. I didn’t look at my visa stamp until I was already 26 days past my deadline. Had I not been so careless I’d have seen that I was suppose to go back for my extension in October rather than November. I got fined 13,000 baht for my over stay but learned my lesson. If staying here on a TR visa it’s best to stick to the rules, nobody is “entitled” to stay here longterm on a tourist visa, it’s always at the discretion of the immigration officer.
Steve *******
Dont bother coming back. Thailand doesnt need or want whinging overstayers. Stay at home, you obviously DONT travel very well!
Gibson ******
Just say it. I'm poor
Bas *****
Broke the law and complained. Wtf 🤣
Robert ******
It was so bad you overstayed a month and 10 days 🤣, bye
Lee ************************
You can’t moan about overstaying a visa that’s run out come on!
Keryn ******
WOW. First you complain because YOU broke the law and then you go on about it being a Buddhist country. Do you not have any respect??. I’m surprised you lasted as long as you did.. I’m not sure what makes you so special that the law dosnt apply to you. Laws are made for a reason. You broke it, you pay. It’s that Simple. I think you have the wrong attitude to be travelling outside your own country.
Why did you overstay to start with? Try to do that in Australia or America....
Mohit **********************
Just emailed your post to the thai police. You’re never coming back anywhere close to Thailand. Go to church and confess your sins to your daddy the pope! 😂🤣
And there was so many others people everyone with different things I got the feeling wasn’t everything clear there was a girl crying because she should to have pay an huge amount of money for I don’t know what and when I tried to speak to her a military just intimidated me . They allow people go to
Party with drugs smoke alchol and than they pretend to be a perfect country of honesty 😅.
Steve **********
Daniela Bianchi looks are deceiving...big behind scene problems here now. Been here now ..don't know how many PM's and 2 coups. ( but approaching 2 decades ). This will be worse as no beloved king to placate. Just 10, and he's a moving t----'t.
Between Covid, Unrest, Inflation, No tourists, No govt assist for poor , and Burning Season underway, Songkran will be cancelled, Flower show a bomb and waiting line and Q for children tested P. with Covid to get into clinics........
Land of smiles has been shining brighter than ever since day 1 and all the tourist degenerates sent packing. The whole nation shifted and adapted and in spite of losing a valued and massive segment of the economy, Thai resilience and adaptability shone thru. And the environment improved. And people were treated with more respect and empathy. And communities grew stronger.
’s were not missed by anyone, New Years we’re both fantastic in the south. Suggest/guarantee, if you are not here now, you are missing the chance of a lifetime
agreed, many in the tourist industry headed back to their respective villages/towns of origin. After 2 years, will they ever come back? The south and especially the islands (less Phuket) have not been impacted by restrictions at anywhere near the level of BKK. And really, i had no idea of what you describe in Chiang Mai. Interesting for sure. The islands still definitely has it's allure.
Daniela Bianchi But I have to say quite clearly, things have changed from time to time..!!! it's not always easy with the laws and with the visa, especially here in Thailand...👍👍😏 it's really true... someone can also have problems just because the laws have just changed again... the rules too for the covid visa have changed again.....
I've been here for four and a half months.!!. I entered the country with a "Tourist Visa" 60 days, then extended it by 30 days (normal 30 days extension) and then extended it again for 60 days "covid extension" so I can stay in this country for 5 months... well, it goes.....👍.. you have to take care of your residence permit or visa in every country..!!!!
Reply to
Bernhard ****
Alex *******
Imagine overstaying for 1 month and 10 days, then complaining about the charge 🤣 what planet are you from by the way??
Daniela *********
Reply to
Daniela *********
Bernhard ****
But you should find out beforehand. Laws and rules are also very important in other countries..😁😏👍👍
mescaline? LSD? Heroin? Yaba? Something very strong.
Reply to
Mark ***********
Brad ******
I see a cow too
Mark ***********
Sorry. You are lost. You overstayed, and you blame Buddhism? There are alot of delightful and truly beautiful people in Thailand. Granted, few work for this toxic government.
Should I blame Christianity for all the problems in your home country?
In french, we say you want butter and money of butter...😅..you think you behave correctly...😉😁..
Rei ***********
Its up to you if you will pay or go to jail. Law is law and you are not exempted. And religion has nothing to do with it.
Den *****
you want to talk to the manager ?
Sid *******
Thailand has been one of the most generous Countries in the world for enabling Foreigners to stay in Country during Covid. Many people have been here over a year just on Covid Extensions.
meh. Not really. But they have been fair and aligned with many countries. No country functions autonomously. If you treat foreign citizens badly, the repercussions will be swift and severe
Potevi evitare andavi in immigrazione ricevevi una estensione covid e lavoro fatto .
Se eri fuori estensione ovviamente paghi .
Sei stata fortunata che non ti hanno arrestata .
In tutto il mondo se superi estensione paghi o arresto .
Potevi evitare sta pagliacciata .😉
Thomas *************
I had to do roughly 1 YEAR (YES 1 year) overstay in Turkey in 2020-21. It was right after when the pandemic started and all my flights to Europe and USA were canceled, airports were shut down, huge panic and no vaccine. I didnot feel safe returning to USA while >3000 died daily and half of the US claimed there is no pandemic, just a fake news. I paid around $130 USD at the airport for 1 year overstay and 3 months re-entry ban, that is it. I travel extensively, this was my first overstay at all, would never do it in normal times. It was great to get away with just $130. It would cost me $5,600 USD and life-time blacklist in Thailand, or even a capital punishment or execution on the spot, God knows.
It would have been 20k ($600) in Thailand and 3 year ban. If you kept the overstay under 1 year, 20k and 1 year ban. The fine is 500B/day but it's capped at 20k. This is presuming you weren't caught in the country, in that case you'd be looking at a longer ban.
yes, it used only be the max 20k fine and no ban, no matter how long. People would overstay for years and pay only the 20k on exit, and could come right back. They introduced the ban in I think 2015.
Reply to
Ivan ************
Adnan *******
To apply for citizenship and visas in the UK, immigrants spend more than 10 thousand pounds even if they are on minimum wage.
If you Beach visa conditions in the UK/EU you may end up in prison as well.
Asia is much more tolerant. Pay and escape.
Stefan *******
Just stay out off thailand, when you can't follow the rules here,only your self to blame
Jessie ******************
What kind of person are you? You don’t respect the law of the country that you visited especially immigration law that apply directly to you. Aren’t you Shame of yourself? There is nothing to do with Buddhist country but the behavior of the person who visits
David *********
It is people like you that give the rest of us expats a bad name. Obviously you have a total disregard for policies and procedures.
You just seem like a very stupid person who has some unreasonable sense of entitlement. Likely a few days in "overstay jail" would have been a good experience for you. Please please please...never come back to this wonderful country
Paul *****************
Hope you get banned for rest of Life. Stay away from Thailand and study Rules and Laws.
Up to max of 20,000 baht. You can pay at immigration but if stopped for violation and your overstay seen ...different story
Reply to
Steve **********
Michael **************
So true
Halbesa *******
I feel sorry for you, but the big question is: when you hate a place why on earth you would overstay there ? Just leave on the early stages
Sam *********
Many many countries give visitors the benefit of the doubt. I can’t even count all the visa overstayers I have met in the states, you know why? Because when you leave, no one checks to see if you over stay or not..
, citizens of places like Thailand have trouble because there is such a precedent of Thais going to the USA with visitor visa, who end up staying for years (when it’s a max 6 months) working in the country..when they leave, they get out Scot free, granted they will never get another visa, but they face no legal punishment because no one is checked for visa status when leaving the USA
it’s not only Thais- Chinese, Russians, Indians, Indonesians and many other also need visas. Actually , only minority of world population can enter US without applying for visas and going through humiliating procedures. And anyone can overstay in both countries - she is from Europe I think and broke the law just as easy as Thais in the US (and they also pay for their visas in the first place)
US immigration is a sad joke. Please don't compare it to counties that value borders and laws.
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Danger ******
Darren *******
Wayne *******
You overstayed didnt want to pay for visa extention ,is your own fault deserve everything you got,free loader🤬🤬🤬
Jim ********
Is this a joke post?
Som nam na
Next time look at the dates in your passport, it's not rocket science to work out when to go to immigration for a visa stamp is it?
Alan *******
Ouch, I shot myself , now who should I blame 🤔🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣
Tammy ************
You did it to yourself you broke the law then you want to wined about it. You should be glad you didn’t get put in jail . People like you ruined it for everyone else . Go back to the hole you came from and never come back.
Maarten ****
wow..u overstay and u think u a right lol ?
If there are no LAW in a country..i think the world gonna end soon right?
Hung *******
Are you just an idiot are what ? hope they black listed you. So you can't come back into Thailand. Then you have to post on here to let us know how ignorant you are. Please just stay at home and don't travel anymore.
J ******************
Imagine if you were a visitor in your own country and did the same thing ,what would be the consequences of that ?
You're right. Thailand doesn't deserve tourists with ability to break law.
Dave *******
500 baht a day is very reasonable, they could charge whatever they wanted and you would have to pay, do your homework before you break Thai law
Shaun *********
One month and 10 days overstay. You obviously didnt give a damn about your visa and length of stay it allowed. Your reaping what you sewed, its not immigrations fault or it being a Buddhist country. You are the one to blame no one else.
depends on.your definition of being ripped off. Most things here are cheaper than the UK. If you had extended your visa at immigration it would have cost you 1900 bhat. The fine for a day's overstay is 500 bhat that's the law, you've paid about 20,000 bhat in overstay fines, you haven't been ripped off, you've ripped yourself off Daniela.
not really sorry I even asked to them but they didn’t want sorry thai military please give me a ban for this but they were so gentle. 🙂
Andrew *********
Daniela Bianchi you lucky you weren’t in China, you’d be locked up, never heard from again, have to be ‘so careful’ what you utter in a foreign country, only looking out for you ....
For the last two years it has been easier than anytime in the last 20 years to get two month extensions inside Thailand yet you chose to overstay by over a month....lolol. Oh, and PCR tests are just bt2000.
Jyrki *********
Ben *********
So you overstayed your visa and by the country law got fined…simpleton
Lynnette *******
Immigration rules in many countries are way more severe.
Stuart *********
There are rules for entry and regulations about how long you can stay. If you break those rules you’re subject to a fine. Nothing about a Buddhist country looking for cash. They have rules. Why would you believe you are above the laws?
lucky she never got a ban. It’s not a right to come here it’s a privilege
Reply to
Paul ********
Gary **********
Breaking the law is just that. Pay the fine ...
Lana ***********
Why did you overstay? You actually broke the law
Stuart *********
I can’t understand where you’re coming from. You seem to say that you’ve broken the law for one month and 10 days and are now being fined for that. In what country on earth would you not be fined, or jailed for breaking the law?
mmm I didn’t know gosh there are people in Thailand they broken the law for really serious things and apparently the police doesn’t say much ... 😉most of the time . Thailand of course everyone knows is famous for honesty and no corruption. Sorry I broken the law because I didn’t know I thought the thai pass was like a visa and in many countries like Australia is 3 months.
Stuart *********
Daniela Bianchi people in other countries break the law too and seem to get away with stuff like parties during covid lockdowns, but I guess being a prime minister has some sway. Groups like this exist so you can get info on the current rules and regulations. The fact that you mistook the ThailandPass for a visa is understandable, but unfortunately won’t hold any sway with immigration and fines imposed. Ignorance of the law is not a defence. That holds true in most countries.