I wouldn’t worry. I think it’s a case of the receipt slips were stapled in my passport so they took photocopies. If they weren’t there it may not have been a concern?
I agree! My Mum died of cancer in U.K. Too late for any treatment because only four weeks prior to her death the doctor in charge of the Medical Investigation Unit told her all tests were negative, she didn’t have cancer and was ‘fixable’. One week later blood tests indicated cancer and they moved heaven and earth to discharge her from hospital. There were no nursing home or hospice places available. Hospital social worker refused to sanction home care on the grounds; ‘she doesn’t need it’. My Mum was 88. Had to threaten them with the press. They finally relented and she died in the hospital without a pain pump in situ due to short staffing.
Absolutely Greg! I’m on Non-O Retirement extensions. I once went six years without exiting Thailand. This year, myself and Thai wife had planned to visit stepdaughter who lives and works in Japan and later take a holiday in Portugal. Unfortunately, my wife was diagnosed with cancer in October thus needs to regularly attend her Cancer Centre. Plus, she doesn’t feel up to flying anymore.
My ‘receipts of notification of change of address’ were stapled into my passport by my immigration office. Whether I’m required to leave them there or not I don’t remove them. They are removed, photocopied and restapled into my passport when I apply for retirement extension renewals.
Definitely! Personal Accident Insurance is actually worth having if under 65 years because it covers you for moto accidents. Roughly the same cost as using an agent to open your account.
As a yardstick, three million Thai Baht either in coverage or savings is recommended to cover most eventualities. You would be looking at over 200,000 THB per annum. I take it you have already disclosed all your pre-existing conditions?
Best to take a Thai speaking person of repute with you if at all possible (schoolteachers are well respected). Bank staff like their commission so be prepared to buy Personal Accident Insurance. It is worth it particularly if you have no other form of insurance. It covers moto accidents up to age 65. The cost of an annual policy is similar to the amount you would pay an agent.