The U.S. also does not issue a "notarized wage/pension verification letter" for a very simple reason. The U.S. State Department has no information your wages or pension.
Defamation is a big thing in Thailand and does not if matter if you are civil. Defamation is a criminal matter and it also does not matter if the defamatory statement is true.
Work permits are required whenever a foreigner engages in any form of work, no matter how brief, in Thailand. The term “work” is employed very broadly. Even charitable work requires a work permit. Nothing has been established about what constitutes work. The definition is open-ended.
True. Even though it’s ludicrous, the Thai government will not see it that way. And it provides local officials with leverage to extract bribes. Thai officialdom does not understand or pretends to not understand the connection between corruption and nonsensical rules and laws. Expect indignation when the connection is made.
I am not going to offer to set up a nominee company. It’s illegal, and the people involved are getting arrested. You can lease for limited fix periods and there are better ways to lease, but you cannot buy. Its that simple.