Hi Kevin. I've followed this group and noted Brandon's advice on multiple occasions across multiple visa/banking issues, for a couple of years. He knows what he's talking about. I'd suggest you drop the shouty capitals and just listen to him, check alternate sources by all means, and ... chill.
I looked at Falcon plans and premiums and was puzzled ... I don't have it in front of me right now, but it seemed to say something like "max claim per incident 200k baht, with deductible 200k baht". I couldn't understand how there would ever be a payout on a claim, under that scenario, making the annual 3 million cover somewhat problematic. Or maybe I missed something 🙂.
showed where to find it. Non-O is what it is. Brandon's posted tons of helpful stuff over a long period, as far as I've seen. "I'm only new here" should go hand in hand with a bit of humility, eh?
Sometimes with these sites, if you failed to provide some info, you'll see an error message telling you which field is the problem, but the error message won't be very prominent ... It may be right at the top or the bottom of the page. Good luck.
Nothing official yet, re when. But I do believe the govt has officially approved re-introducing it, in their most recent (last month) conference on their teform agenda. It seems to be the way with Vietnam that an idea gets floated, discussed, then approved, then implemented ... but it takes a while. Late this year would be my guess, but it's just a guess.
Here's a recent article on the subject, with the obligatory goofy comments section 🥴
Yeah true. Other thing on my mind has been a recent steady improvement of AUD to Baht, and a probability that trend might continue while formation of a new Thai government remains a work in progress. Transfer of AUD into that 800k for retirement visa may be more appealing if that trend continues.
Of course, you can find reasons to umm and ah forever ... and I don't pretend to have prophetic powers on exchange rates.
I suppose it boils down to more of a gut feel thing.
Sure. Nothing to do with negative thoughts or feelings about Thailand per se. I really enjoy it here. I can't say one particular place has really grabbed me as a "settle down" spot, though. Over the past three years I've sampled Bangkok, Phuket, Hua Hin, Pattaya, and now Chiang Mai, for a few weeks at least in each, and they all have their good and iffy aspects ... but none have yet felt like they could be a home, or home away from home. And there are other places in SE Asia that I've yet to see, like Cambodia and Malaysia. Finally, seems like Vietnam is edging closer to again offering a 3 month tourist visa, and I have a close friend there, so ...
Possibly I just have a terminal case of itchy feet. I've gotten very comfortable since retiring 3 &
years ago, with traveling light and with just going with the flow, so I might just continue in that vein for a while, until decrepitude sets in more fully 😁