Here are the requirements for an extension, as published on the website of Immigration Division 1
Item 39
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This conversation discusses the requirements for visa extensions in Thailand, referencing an official posting from Immigration Division 1. Comments reflect on the implications of activities categorized under 'soft power', alternatives to lengthy bureaucratic processes such as border runs and holiday trips, and the complexities of switching visa types during the extension period. Additional inquiries about obtaining TM.30 forms and frustrations regarding the immigration process are also expressed.
Man, I love this country for a lot of reasons but immigration sure isn't one of them. Thanks for the info.
Shandy ********
Why make the visa for five years if you have to go through this every six months? Clearly, it's just a six-month visa which they called a five-year visa for no reason at all.
Well there is marketing and also what some agents tell you. I think the MFA have always been clear that Immigration have final say over entry and extensions. It does take a little rooting but on their website. It was clear in the MFA interview with FCCT. I do agree not everything is made explicitly clear. A classic example is 90 day reporting.
Henrik *****
They have not called it a 5 year visa, it is you that confuse validity and period of stay.
Shandy ********
The requirements suggest the visa is no longer valid if you do not comply with the document re-certification. I mean valid in the practical sense that it cannot be used. Yes, I know that the period of stay is 180 days because it says so on the entry stamp.
No worries, you can always enter visa exemption if you don't want the hassle of a visa.
Shandy ********
sean jones Maybe your decades in Thailand have made you intolerant of criticism. Just confused by the inconsistency of having no requirements to re-enter for a five-year period (as it so far seems) and introducing unexpected requirements for extension at about six months after the visa was introduced.
Henrik *****
It’s normal for Thailand, that things are made up when it need to, but not before.
Can only extend one time per entry. Then have to leave the country or do a border bounce. As of now people are not required to show anything on re entry.
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Sean *******
Incognia **********
why it is 5 million baht haha why it is wrong and they dont update it
Maybe they do not know there is a typo. Why not point it out to them :-)
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Greg ********
Romain *****
Thanks for your information ! What if you get DTV for soft power reason and during the 6 month, you develop work activities in remote and you become eligible for the "Workcation". Can you just switch and show to the immigration proof of work ? Or you have to stick with your soft power activity for the extension ? Thanks !
Good question. Probably not done as visa not old enough but I can imaging some people will want to change focus of DTV. The MFA issues the visa and not Immigration so would need to ask them I woukd think.
Romain *****
Thanks ! Yeah there is no official information yet. I just don't think I want to practice muay thai during the 5 years of visa haha, I hope that you can at least switch to another soft power activity for extension...
To be honest if you qualified for Workaytion and had to apply for a new visa at 10k it might be cheaper in long run that paying for Soft Pwer activities over the period.
Romain *****
Yes but is it possible to re-apply to DTV visa for Workcation if you have an ongoing DTV visa for soft power ?
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Romain *****
Ali *****
No thanks i'd rather take a long weekend trip to KL, than have to jump through these bureaucratic hoops, which really is a fools errand in my opinion.
Sean *******
For those in BKK who can't be bothered to jump through all these hoops or don't want to fly out. An agent called Nid at Visa Pattaya is offering a same day border run to Cambodia for 6500 baht. Probably will be quicker than trying to extend too.
They gave me a discount bececause I used them to obtain the initial DTV from the start so I am not sure what they would charge. You can try sending them a message, and ask they are very responsive.
TM30 needs to be registered within 24 hours of you arriving at hotel or moving into a condo. The landlord/Hotel should do this for you. Some landlords do not like doing this for a variety of reasons - tax, not in country etc. That TM30 is completed is one of the first 3 items in my "Must Have" for property agents these days. It is the responsibility of landlord to do it but tenant can be fined. No 90 Day Reporting or Extensions in most cases without it.
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Greg ********
Anonymous ******************
Am I the only one who thinks it just sounds so much easier to go have a nice holiday somewhere and then come back?
Michael ********
Anonymous participant 253 I think it's a form of stockhold syndrome and these people enjoy going through the time consuming hurdles because it makes them feel like they've achieved something. I've been in and out 3 times since I got the DTV with 0 issues.
But there is nothing to worry if all your paperwork ok and in case you get question to show the money in your App
That time you are able to do..
The tighting just start short time ago
Not since the visa started
Reply to
AllSabai ******
George **********
Anonymous participant 253 Think everyone is in the same boat as you? maybe its not convenient for everyone duh
Greg ********
Anonymous participant 253 It does sound easier, but nothing to stop an Immigration Officer at entry point asking for ongoing proof of visa qualification.
Reply to
Greg ********
Chris ******
Thanks for the info 🙏
Greg ********
Good info. For soft power I read it as a need for proof of continued activity. Is everyone else reading it the same? EDIT. The accom requirements look onerous as well
Some of us thought it would but many poured scorn on the notion. Now this is for extensions but what about re-entry. Similar could be asked at entry points. I would not be making any predictions at this point.
I think it is the best choice long run if you continue working. Be a pain in the ar5se if they start to look at attendance and residence for SP too. Example of the people living on the southern islands with gym in Chiang Mai.
don’t they mean a gym (probably the same you used for the initial application) that has to be registered with the Sports Authority? The wording is a bit over the top but I guess that’s Thailand for ya 😏
I would expect at the very least a letter stating that this person will continue training/has booked/paid for the next 6 months plus all the documentation that was in the initial package.
(Which shouldn’t be an issue if you are legitimately training 😉)
True - the accom is another issue. How long do you need a hotel booking if no 6 month rental contact etc. As I said - they are not making this easy. I suspect some agents who have charged a lot of money will not be seen quite soon. That or there will be a facilitation fee for extensions at a local office.
The agency responsibility ends at the point the person get the visa
Any more restrictions or regulations will be issued or implemented by the government or the immigration is not the agency responsible and can't throw any blame to them as they are not the one who set the regulations and no one can forecast what the future is
Yup. So those paying 90-100k for the DTV package now have their visa. If they want to extend they may have further costs to renew Soft Power etc either through agency or arrange themselves. Will be interesting to see how this pans out in the future. This could turn out to be a very expensive visa for some over a 5 year period.
for me not an issue (I own a house), but yeah can imagine this can get tricky, especially if they all start wanting house photos and house books of landlords like that guy experienced in Krabi 🫣
And what if you’re a nomad changing location every 6 weeks or so… is 6 weeks enough of a booking? More questions than answers…
People find the House Visits etc a chore for Spouse Visa - people move to Retirement as less hassle. I have never been asked for Blue Books etc got Retirement Visa. For my "B" I did not show anything and TM30 never registered (BOI so more forgiving). I am working on my "Pitch Deck" right now for BOI "S" and cannot see the requirement for a Blue Book in the listed docs. The DYV is not turning out to be as smooth as first appeared. For Soft Power medical might be easier for those with a chronic illness (Only mentioning this as helping a pal with his BOI proposal to set up Metabolic Syndrome Health company here 🙂 )
it sounds like Immigration really detests this visa and will make it as difficult as possible to do an extension. Hopefully it won’t get this difficult at border crossings/airports
Reading between the lines and what certain agent who talk to immigration almost daily I would have to agree with that assumption. As for entries I think it will be same as other border runners on exempt/METV. Most will be OK but some will get pulled and asked for the ongoing proof etc. There will also be agents providing border run services at a price which might be cheaper than a flight and be less risky.
not surprised immigration don't like it, pushed through by the old gov't without even being finalized and has been abused since August when people figured out how to game the system. The pensioners who switched thinking it was a golden egg since they didn't have to show the 800K THB funds in a local bank should have known that it wasn't that simple and had a plan B. Anyone of them who had done an extension on a long term visa hopefully considered the documents that were required for those every year and realized it's never simple. Agents are going to make a killing on this. Funny, I got slaughtered on the Thai subreddit when I mentioned to expect that extensions would require proof of that they still qualified. Don't want to gloat about it, but might have to go back to the worst offender in that sub and have an "I told you so" moment. 😁
A lot of us were slaughtered when we said extensions and maybe even re-entry might not be straightforward. Re-entry might be easier but not without risk. Not a basis to be planning the next 5 years on as some were doing ie considering the DTV as though a Residence visa. This is Thailand - things change.
Exaxtly. It was pushed through by MFA and the previous PM without consultation. So if we take a retirees in Pattaya as an example. 1) Going to have to produce all documentation at immigration for extension 2) Do a border run or FoFI 3) Pay an agent for 1 above then still pay for 2 above. The Rice Bowl was never going to be broken. Power lies with immigration for both entry and extensions at the end of the day, not MFA
There will be a class register with dated thumbprints next. Workaytion is the easiest to provide ongoing qualification. The DTV is not turning out to be the Golden Egg many professed 6 months ago. Not just DTV but immigration are seeming to be getting tougher on back to back runs and "Living" in Thailand on Visa Exempt and Tourist Visas.
Well a few of us predicted this did we not? There were also a few told us we were talking nonsense. Well, "Here we are". Border run costs are starting to be apparent too.Still a great visa if the person is fully qualified for it Remote Worker or Continuing Soft Power Activities
what do you mean "Border run costs are starting to be apparent too"? That still looks like the easier no-brainer solution to me. To each their own though. If you like paperwork and bureaucracy more power to you. I don't.
Sorry - I was not clear. Border run agency in Pattaya now offering a visa run in a van for DTV border bounce ie another 180 day stamp. Same as Visa Exempt / METV have been doing. Cost for DTV doing it is 6500 while for Visa Exempt it is 3500 or so. There is a premium it would seem for DTV. Now this is just one border run but a very popular one. My pal does it DiY and drives himself as he hates the van ride. He still pays 3500 at border for same day bounce (Inc the Cambodia Visa and processing). I suspect other border runs will have costs from different locations. As for paperwork etc these runs will be "Frictionless". Doing it yourself including flying might include showing paperwork
yeah but still, you already paid for the visa (benefits) when you applied… anyways, I’ve never used an agency to do a border bounce, can’t imagine I ever will… especially now that I know this 😏
You are continuing soft power activities though so have continuing qualification for the visa. Those signing up to gyms a thousand Km from where they are living are playing the system. The system might bite back in a number of ways including ongoing costs
Well, it is not pay once and live in Thailand for 5 years on Soft Power. There will be ongoing costs and admin to fulfill. I wonder how the pensioners who switched look at it now?
The accom one needing copy of landlords blue book!!!! Most will not do that. If not a rental contract do you need to prove hotel bookings for length of stay.
It is confusion I agree. For other extensions etc no need to show landlords blue book etc. For DTV the guy extending in Krabi had to show it. The guy in Samut Prakan did not?
Ya - it's early days, the offices are all still figuring it out, getting updated docs etc. Plus as we all know, each province and office often has their own process and requirements (and some places have bigger issues with overstays, which is probably why some what extra docs etc).
That said, I imagine in a few months things will settle down and get more streamlined.