I haven’t been asked for anything additional but the only thing I haven’t provided on that list you shared is proof of long term stay in Thailand, but I have my lease if they do ask.
well that’s not the case right now. I submitted all of my documents on the 14th Feb. They’ve been pending approval ever since the 17th. No request for additional documents. Simply waiting approval. Everyone else I’ve spoken to has also waited over 2 weeks.
It even says on the website for the Phnom Penh Thai embassy waiting time is 10 business days. You clearly got lucky.
Also in literally any country you apply through the Thai e-visa website, so not sure what point you were making there.
Phuket Muay Thai is owned by an American so there should be no issue with language barrier.
If that’s not the gym you’re referring to and you just mean a Muay thai gym in Phuket then I would suggest changing how you have worded it otherwise it will affect that gyms reputation and I’ve heard nothing but good things, my friend has trained there a long time 🙏🏼