I have a none O visa based on having a foreign child in a Thai private school, even though he was born in Thailand and is half Thai, I have to show the school receipts/licences and a his birth cert plus a few other bits etc except nothing financial though. I get my visa from the Thai Embassy in Hull in the UK which just so happens to be my home town, not sure if you have kids but I think its either none o for supporting a child or marriage.
sorry to hear that, apologies for how i came accross, what I am saying though is to be a nanny is a Thai only job I believe, work visas are assigned to the company that gave you it as far as I know too, if your a foriegner and she is, why not just pay her via transfer wise or even cash as a 'gift' thus cutting out the need for a work visa, no problem giving a gift and if shes 'helping you out' for that gift thats fine too
When Cindy stops wanting to be a Nanny will Cindy want to become a taxi driver and expect her work visa to cover that too? even thhough Cindy isnt even allowed to be a Nanny in Thailand and should consider getting a real job.
first of all, you need to call the none emergency UK police +44 101 , create a crime number/log, then you'd contact missing persons hotline
+44 116 000 plus her local news paper/embassy. I would also fully scan facebook for anyone who knows her, or any possible local facebook groups maybe if shes from a certain village/town. Seems odd for an 89 year old lady to be going around alone? (although she looks fit and healthy), you should also check Thai hospitals although that will be difficult without a Thai speaker plus which city.
The UK does deal pretty well with missing persons, after x amount of hours we generally will go all out and locate people, I think we say its 48 hours before the police will declare it a proper missing case and start scanning, then again as she is elderly that might be less.