Mick **********
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Mick **********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 12 comments.


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Mick **********
I know a couple who moved from Chang Mai down to Krabi because of pollution. Krabi is nice place.
Mick **********
@Bill ********
just about every scenic photo taken say at a beach by a tourist then?
Mick **********
@John ******
good question. I don't know. I don't think this ones been thought through very well. All sorts of implications. Maybe lawyers aren't getting enough work.
Mick **********
If you can understand it.
Mick **********
Agree, get a Thai licence. You can actually buy one if you know the right people. Or get someone to help you pass a test, which is also permitted. You probably speak Thai though,?
Mick **********
@Jeremy ********
And then possibly there's this to look forward to,

Mick **********
what can I say but I'm pretty sure it's not the outcome this guy wanted.

Mick **********
Does anyone know what medications they're using, or is it a secret so WHO or the CDC won't find out..
Mick **********
Are you sure you want a vaccine. This is a Thai doctor.

Face book have put their rubbish all over it, but if he's not taking it, why should I. YouTube has banned it, but you can get the truth on Rumble.

Mick **********
The question is like the start of an Irish joke.