Isaac ***********
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Isaac ***********
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Isaac ***********
Most 5* hotels have plugs which fit any device although some I’ve needed this.

Isaac ***********
I’m here in Phuket and I’ve been getting these emails every week pretty much. My Thai pass has done it’s job, this is a scam
Isaac ***********
Now now, calm down with the conspiracies 😂
Isaac ***********
@Dee *********
Ivermectin medicines are not authorised for use in COVID-19 in the EU, and EMA has not received any application for such use.
Isaac ***********
I rely on science, facts and logic. And all these are accessible to people without the news government or media. Are you an antivaxxer or conspiracy theorist by any chance Darren? 😂

I mean natural selection will fall into place sometime soon.

And my career is secure so the the fact medicine is science, and it works. It’s not a theory. I’d understand if you had some sort of scientific information. But you don’t.
Isaac ***********
As a qualified medic it’s evident I’m not stupid. And understand this more than you. You’re stupid for not looking at anything other than efficacy. Did you really think vaccines were 100% effective in stopping illness? Haha they’re there to reduce your chance of being hospitalised by 100% and serious illness. If you catch Covid after the vaccine it will be like a cold compared to getting seriously sick. Get the vaccine offered to you
Isaac ***********
@Darren *******
yes but you’re 100% safe from serious illness and hospitalisation. If you catch Covid after the vaccine you won’t get as ill. Vaccines aren’t really here to eliminate completely. They’re here to stop us getting as sick. Stupid people fail to see this and only understand efficacy 😂😂
Isaac ***********
What people are failing to see and only looking at is the efficacy. What you need to look at from a medical perspective is that all these vaccines are 100% effective in stopping hospitalisation and serious illness. That’s what’s important.
Isaac ***********
@Geoff *******
typical trolls aha. Basically to answer your question I think starling is great. The exchange rate is awesome and it allows five withdrawals/ £300 per day!
Isaac ***********
RT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) test