Keryn ******
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Keryn ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 17 comments.


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Keryn ******
Wow. The poor guy just asked a question and all of a sudden its turned into a hate thread! If you can’t say any thing nice, don’t say anything at all!! Way too many derogatory comments. Why can’t you all just be supportive to the guy. No one knows his situation so his post dosnt require judgement.
Keryn ******
Tea tree oil works fast to stop itching and is a antibacterial and anti fungal.
Keryn ******
WOW. First you complain because YOU broke the law and then you go on about it being a Buddhist country. Do you not have any respect??. I’m surprised you lasted as long as you did.. I’m not sure what makes you so special that the law dosnt apply to you. Laws are made for a reason. You broke it, you pay. It’s that Simple. I think you have the wrong attitude to be travelling outside your own country.
Keryn ******
At the end of the day, if people chose to get a visa through which ever means they chose, it’s no ones bussiness but their own as to how, when, where an why they got it. Don’t understand why the keyboard warriors have to get on here an ramble. If you don’t agree with something, just keep scrolling. The guy asked a question, it’s now turned into a nasty slinging match. Sad.
Keryn ******
I doubt they will check if anyone is caught with “visa fraud”. They’re getting money, and a lot of it at that. They’re trying to bring money into the country, not kick out the people that are already here spending money. Every cent counts. If it was such a big no no then why aren’t immigration and the police checking into the agency’s that are advertising the fraudulent visa?
Keryn ******
Unfortunately not all immigration offices have the same rules. Maybe try another one.
Keryn ******
Is suppose it depends on where your applying for your visa. Tourist visa applications have arrival date, departure date and flight details of coming and going. So I assume if your on tourist visa, your exactly that. A tourist, and can only stay a certain amount of time.
Keryn ******
Are you looking at getting a volunteer visa. Time is running out for all visas
Keryn ******
Dani Minogue got to stay In Her own house and her medical reason for it was that she’s claustrophobic. Maybe you could try that line. If it can work for her it should work for everyone. Oh wait, forgot, there is one rule for us and one rule for them.
Keryn ******
Who in their right mind would want to go back to Australia with it turning into a mini America at the moment!! It’s turning into a Petri dish. Plus with airfares and quarantine your looking at about $7000 to return. Better to get a Ed visa and stay for a year. Yes it’s expensive, prob about the same price as a ticket home, but there’s no corona here and it’s way cheaper living as well as being a beautiful country.