Hi Guys . Any advice on what to put on a mosquito bit. I have 2 and they are very itchy. I got stuff from the drug store but it’s just an antiseptic.
Thanks for any advice .
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TLDR : Answer Summary
In response to seeking relief from itchy mosquito bites, various remedies were suggested by community members. Common solutions include using Tiger Balm, hydrocortisone cream, antihistamines, and natural treatments like lemon juice, vinegar, or baking soda paste. Several users recommend applying heat using a warm spoon to denature proteins causing the itch. Others suggested avoiding scratching and using creams like Fucicort or Anthisan, while some mentioned local products like Clinivate and systral cream for effective relief. Overall, community members shared a wealth of advice, reinforcing that finding an effective remedy can depend on personal preferences and skin sensitivity.
yes. You are correct but using phone some how missed the e on the end or edited it . Damn these phones. Lol
Reply to
John *******
Nick ************
Tiger Balm
Richard ********
Richard ********
Green tiger balm, also good dermatitis itch
Charlotte ********
White tiger balm does the trick for me.
Michael ******
I'm using this since many years! With that, I can get rid of the itching and swelling in no time! Costs: 20 Bhat! 🤗🤗🤗
Michael ******
Michael ******
Reply to
Michael ******
Terary **********
I have been here a long time (years) and never had serious issue with Mosquito bites (or bits). Are you sure your issue is a bite? Not to cast negative energy. Ask a chemist.. A lot of them in reputable places speak English.
Jason *****
Think the mosquitoe is on test and go, it might come back on Day 5. Be warn
Anyway Clinivate and tiger balm work for me.
Metty *******
Take a antihistamine tablet.
You know the one for hayfever or allergy relief tablets.
You are allergic to the bites.
You can buy then at any chemist in thailand
Janice ********
Clinivate from the chemist in Thailand is fabulous, takes the itch out and heals the bite really quickly. It has antibiotic and hydrocortisone in it. I stock up when I’m there because it’s great for so many things when I get home too 😊
Marty ********
Many years ago, when none of this information was known to me and I guess most of the people I asked, my solution was get in the shower and use the hottest water I could stand on those bites, until the itching stopped. Always worked great. I will try that ‘spoon’ trick and maybe some of the other methods. I am O NEG and that is like a ‘mosquito buffet’.
Wa ********
Fenistil from any pharmacy stops itchiness in an instant
Belinda ********
Atchara *************
I'm Thai and I always use this, it works very well for me and you can easily get it at 7-11
Reinout *********
John *********
Just learn to live with it like most Thais do ..... given time your stop being bitten by them .
Brad ******
Peroxide then Alcohol a couple of times a day.
Stacey *******
Thai tiger balm
De *******************
Without doubt tiger Baum!
John *********
Tiger barm.
Mark ***********
Rub some vitamin e or honey on it. Or aloe.
Brian *****************
This is how I ended up.
Dave *********
แมทธิว **************
The product you need is call Antergan it’s a mild steroid available at most pharmacies
Sharon ******
Peppermint essential oil always works for me.. even on sandfly bites which are the worst
I use it neat just on the bite but you can use coconut oil too if you have super sensitive skin.. my skin is pretty sensitive and never had a problem with neat good quality peppermint oil..
Reply to
Sharon ******
Ginette *****************
7elven de green pot
Alan *******
Tiger balm
Martin ***********
Peter ******
The greatest and oldest remedy… white vinegar
Brian ********
Use green balm
Carlos *********
If its bad, take an antihistamine. Cortisone cream will stop the itch
Pikey *********
Tiger balm
James *******
Dog urine works a treat.
Della ********
Systral cream is the best use it all the time in Thailand...
Durrant ********
Ask a Thai person they know the answer better than farangs.
John ***************
hand sanitizer
Christopher ***********
Alcohol aka Rubbing alcohol aka Surgical spirit.
Steve ********
Pee on them! Oh wait, that’s for a jelly fish sting. Never mind!
Take a metal table spoon. Place the spoon into a coffee cup and pour boiling water into the cup. Wait about 30 seconds and then remove the spoon from the cup. Wait another 10 seconds or so (allowing the spoon to cool enough so as not to burn your skin) and then hold the spoon on the bite for roughly 1 minute. The heat from the spoon will denature (unfold) the proteins in the mosquito's saliva, which were injected into your skin and are causing the itch. It sounds a little crazy but it works very, very well. Give it a shot, you'll be a true believer afterward.
Ive been using this method for over 20 years ...works perfectly
Reply to
Wayne ******
Joel *******
Antihistamine cream works a charm. It's most effective if you put it on as soon as you notice the bite. The brand I use is Anthisan from the UK, but there's probably something similar in Thailand if you ask around
I drink Leo, after 15, I can't remember the itching 😅
Pauline *******
Systral cream from pharmacy. It takes the itch away pretty sharpish and helps with any inflammation. Although best results are if you can apply it as soon as you realise you've got a bite.
Richard *****
Thai white whiskey
Paul ******
Calamine lotion
Sonny **********
Tiger balm take down the itching.
Sonny **********
Lime and lemon also works.
John *******
Just got this from waitress at hotel SC Park Hotel. It worked great . How good is Thailand!
WHITE VINEGAR been using it for years, kills the itchy immediately.
Stewart **********
An antihistamine would help. I've also been told to put a spoon in a hot drink for a bit and let the spoon warm up then place the back of the warm spoon on the bite and it takes away the itching 😀
Colin *********
"Jaico" mossie repellant. It also works well to reduce the itch if you got bitten already. Works better than many lotions sold specifically for "after bite".
Benjamin *******
I use this all the time
Bernard *********
Andrew ********
I found the mozzi repellent rubbed in stings and then itch fades.
Bit it all depends on what sort of mozzies and you.
Andrew ********
Stops them biting and takes out itch if you already have bites. Thailand from
Otto *********
Fr4om many years of experience, Monkey Balm is the best by far.
Niclas ***********
Yeah buy the spray and rub it a bit
Reply to
Niclas ***********
Johan ********
Ask for Fucicort.
Shannon ********
Something alkaline. Baking soda and water would work. Knocks out itching fast
It works, I tried with a mosquitto bite and it extracted a clear drop from the bite, and I felt not as itchy as untreated bites.
Reply to
Shing *****
Gordon *********
Tiger balm
Luc ************
Cloudy *****
Tiger balm🐯
Michi *******
Do what the marines in your profile picture would do!
Evan ********
hot water can often reduce the itchiness
Zap **********
Cortisone and/or antibiotic cream I mix together with some natural/perfume free lotion and it provides relief and healing. Apply 2-3 times per day.
Lisa ********************
Tiger balm. And take an antihistamine pill. You will get used to being bitten
Alan *********
Only itching because you scratch it, when you get a bite just control yourself from scratching and in about 20 minutes it's stops, but once you start scratching it can itch for 1 or 2 days.