Todd ********
This is a summary of
Todd ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 3867 comments.



Todd *********
@Tony ********
😂 Again - too stupid to even comprehend the irony.
Todd *********
@Billy *****
great help you have offered here with your trolling Billy. 👏🏼👏🏼 you two must have studied irony together
Todd *********
@Tony ********
this is what we call delicious irony 😂😂😂
Todd *********
@Billy *****
tony can help you find 1.5% interest if you wish.
Todd *********
@Tony ********
😂 1. Sort yourself out. 2. Low interest is low interest. If you like it, great. Frankly, most people aren’t that stupid. 3. The cash requirement is the cash requirement. Most of us don’t need to rely on our wives for visas. 4. Look at your life ol boy. Ur boring. And lost. Best of luck - you need it far more than I 👋
Todd *********
@Tony ********
lol. There are over 80 offices.. give your head a shake. It’s well known.

As for the interest, if you think 1% is good, you go right ahead and keep your 800k there.
Todd *********
Why do you keep leaving?! 🤷‍♂️
Todd *********
@Tony ********
sorry you are wrong. It’s most assuredly NOT ‘encouraged’ lol. Every office treats this differently and that’s well known. If you like 1% on your money, great 🥂
Todd *********
@Simon ******

That’s why so many agencies are going solid business
Todd *********
@Tony ********
not true for most. 1- good luck getting 2.5%. 2- your office needs to accept that type of account. Most don’t