Work action is far less likely to be questioned although can and goes happen. My advise when travelling is to keep printed copies of everything you submitted though, just in case. Because if you do get asked and don’t have readily available it could cause you some issues.
how do you know it hasn’t happened? Do you have any idea of how many people get turned away in Bangkok each week? Or how many in Phuket? It’s not small numbers. And yet we don’t hear about them. Whatever the reason refused entry the visa is not a right to enter.
Be careful how you approach the DTV for what you are thinking. Each time you enter you run the risk of being asked to prove the medical treatments and appointments and the cooking course. They are checking and will be checking more in the future. If you use a cooking course for say 6 months then what are you doing there next year? No course no 6 month stamp. It will happen.
I’ve seen people fined for not. It’s best to do straight away.
Also consider that DLT might only accept in the 1st 90 days for conversion. And each police and DLT will have to ere own interpretations of the law, same as immigration so things differently in different places.
It’s Thailand that is normal, what works where I am in Samui won’t always work elsewhere.
be careful with that, many people. Get fined believing that, but the police might not know that, and will fine you anyway, you can’t argue because that is disrespectful and will end up with more issues and bigger fines. 🤪