If you happened to pay by credit card the quickest way is to challenge the charge on your card . Make sure you have the documentation that you were paying for a 24 hour result.
the pcr test could be booked separately. You could arrange a grab taxi. No package needed to be bought and most importantly the issue is QUARANTINE. All I stated was that there was zero quarantine once a negative test was returned. Sorry if you had a bad experience.
incorrect. It's until the result is received (in the previous test and go scheme) as I mentioned. Yes you must pre-book one night at a hotel but in theory could leave even same day once you got your negative result. There is no package needed (again when there was test and go) just a one night reservation at any sha plus rated hotel.
Quarantine exemption means that if you test negative upon arrival you're free to go as you please (with the new added caveat of additional test on day 6-7). It does not exempt from Quarantine if a positive test happens on arrival.
Medical covid exemption isn't good enough to come to Thailand (you must test negative pre flight as you say you all did and post flight plus on day 6 or 7).... nothing to do here I'm afraid.