How to efficiently get a COVID-19 booster vaccine in Thailand and what are the costs involved?

January 18, 2022
3 years ago
Mark ********
Data point. I got my booster (moderna) at medpark hospital today. Yes they charged 1650 baht but the experience was incredibly efficient. I walked in 1 pm. Walked out 110 pm with both a hardcopy and universal qr code confirming the booster. Pre-booked and prepaid by emailing
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user shares their experience of receiving a Moderna booster vaccine at Medpark Hospital in Thailand, outlining the quick process and cost of 1,650 baht. They emphasize the efficiency of service and provide details on how they booked their appointment via email. The comments section features various discussions about other vaccination options available in different locations, such as free vaccinations at government centers, experiences of using different vaccine types like Pfizer and AZ, and inquiries into the necessity and recognition of vaccines for international travel.
Randy *********
Why bother with the booster? The sooner we all get Omnicron the better… 3rd, 4th, 5th booster… when is enough enough?
Steve **********
@Randy ********
Do you play tennis ?
Mark ********
@Randy ********
I'm all for getting omicron. Point of vaccines for me is to facilitate travel to the places I want to go that require most recent dose in past 6 months...
Randy *********
@Mark *******
I hear ya. Government control though… scary stuff.
Mark ********
@Randy ********
grow up. We CHOOSE to travel. No sovereign country owes you the right to visit. I'm happy to play by the rules. As for the vaccines.. when you stop eating fried chicken start complaining about how they will kill you
Randy *********
@Mark *******
calm down there sport. Someone piss in your cheerios lil guy. Breathe it out, have a lil cry. Sensitive lol guy aren’t ya. Lol.
Ruth *******
@Randy ********
You seem to be the one who needs to calm down. This whole thing started with someone simply supplying information about how to get the vaccine and that seemed to trigger you into a rant about how vaccines aren’t necessary. Aren’t you tired of whining yet? Has it changed ANYTHING?
Mark ********
@Randy ********
not at all. You're the one who decide to hijack someone else's post.
Tammy ************
Did you booked it on line prior?
Mark ********
@Tammy ***********
edited post
Tammy ************
@Mark *******
oh I am sorry I just saw that
Mark ********
@Tammy ***********
I added it bec of your question! No need to be sorry
Ken ******
i think you have to make sure that vaccines shot in thailand (esp made in thailand) are recognized overseas for travel. Maybe it is better to check with WHO which serves as a worldwide benchmark. Previously hongkong did not recognize even sinovac shot in thailand sponsored by China consulate n hk trade office in thailand!
Steve **********
@Ken *****
Phizer is available almost everywhere and free. Moderna is also recognized everywhere.

Problem is the effectiveness orig. quoted ar 80 or so, now 40, with booster up to 75 but after a month back to 30 or 40.

They ( ? ) aren't telling us something, or they don't know.
Paul *****************
Why pay its free.
Steve **********
@Paul ****************
My hospital was charging 3400.

Went to diff hosp. Free !
Tony *********
Tony *********
@Ruth ******
That's what I do. I follow the science and I find that most of it isn't on CNN.
Tony *********
@Ruth ******
I don't have an agenda and I have no idea what your agenda is.
Ruth *******
@Tony ********
For those who don’t read past the headlines, what the article ACTUALLY says, is that the vaccine only produced a small amount of additional antibodies for those already vaccinated, “this protection is only partially effective”. This is not particularly surprising, given that we already knew that the vaccines have had trouble fighting Omicron.
Tony *********
@Ruth ******
Since the booster is exactly the same formulation as the first two shots how is it that the first two shots have worked when antibodies have waned also necessitating a reason to give a booster shot which unsurprisingly also doesn't work. And this was for Delta! In fact the CEO of Pfizer has come out to declare that the first two shots offer practically zero protection and the booster very little if any for omicron. So what's the point of getting a vaccine against omicron?
Ruth *******
@Tony ********
Omicron is not the only variant out there. Just because its the newest and has become the prevalent (only meaning that it is surging a tremendous amount), does not mean that Delta has just gone away. Meanwhile, no, there is currently no evidence that a fourth booster has value, which was the point of the testing. The results were that it is not currently part of the recommended path to fighting the virus. That’s how science works.
Tony *********
@Ruth ******
unless you can show me evidence that health authorities worldwide have told people to stop taking the vaccine then it still is very much the recommended path. In fact the Thai Health minister has just announced that kids should go ahead and get vaccinated next week. That sounds like a policy to me. It has been estimated that omicron is now 90% prevalent in the United States.
Ruth *******
@Tony ********
Don’t twist my words to fit your agenda.
Tony *********
@Ruth ******
kids shouldn't be getting any of these vaccines.
Ruth *******
@Tony ********
That’s your personal opinion. I didn’t realize we were discussing personal opinions. I thought we were discussing that of scientists with expertise on the subject. I’m done here.
Ruth *******
@Tony ********
I never said that health officials have recommended taking the vaccine. I said they are not recommending a FOURTH vaccine at this time. Show me where they are recommending one.
Sammy *******
did u previously have 2 Pfizer's? if so, did they check on how long since your second dose?
Matthew ********
Why pay?
Yuri ***********
Phillip ********
Xjwhudkwhry ********
@Phillip *******
another 'educated' person...
Phillip ********
Ron *********
Once you have your vax and 2 or 3 boosters you'll need to get omicron to build the most robust immunity possible, you're on the way.
Steve **********
@Ron ********
I know you said in jest, but it appears it's the truth. Now recommending 4th jab before you go on a pill regiment.

I'm sure CDC knows ( and have known) the real story.

Would rather they just come clean. Thus confusion and diff of opinion is just causing frustration along with the planned fear.
Yuri ***********
Jeff *********
@Ron ********
I’m on my 4th booster,
Phillip ********
Jeff *********
@Phillip *******
I was joking haven’t had any, got the J&J like 4 months pry to coming back to Thailand. Having doubts about anymore shots.
Phillip ********
@Jeff ********
yeh well with all the latest news coming out now u gotta wonder 🤔
Jeff *********
Paul *******
Clot shot enjoy
Jeff *********
@Paul ******
I’m not sure if it’s that bad, but I have to admit my body has been extremely achy since getting the J&J
Paul *******
@Jeff ********
take care buddy ,lots of aspirin
Sascha **********
Got a free Pfizer booster today at Takua Pa hospital. They would only give Pfizer to ppl who already had Pfizer before, if not, they gave AZ. I don’t live here and did my previous two shots in EU. Super grateful could have the booster here!!
Jeff *********
Well I’m in phetburi at the moment, and have been told I can walk in either to Robinson department store or the local college and get a booster, and it’s free! Sure hope my info is correct!
Steve **********
@Jeff ********
It is free, then take the proof of jabs to health clinic for vaccine Passport, 50 baht
Garrett ***********
@Jeff ********
Government centers are free for anyone. Private hospitals charge for the shot.
Jeff *********
@Garrett **********
Robinsons is a department store, seems strange that they are giving shots, like a said hopefully my information is true, I can use the 1,500B for Leo
Garrett ***********
@Jeff ********
why would a department store give vaccines?
Jeff *********
@Garrett **********
no idea, I’m sure one of the hospitals are setting it up, with the hopes up catching all the procrastinators.
Garrett ***********
@Jeff ********
It's a government vaccine site
Jeff *********
Wayne ********
Are you going to change your profile photo frame so we can see you've had your vaccine, you whiny fukc? Here's the link
Susie *********
Greg ********
Did you have a booking or was it a walk in?
Mark ********
@Greg *******
booking. You email them. They send you a link to prepay and then you submit the receipt along with passport ID page photo. This is how they have the certificate ready to go right after you get the shot
Greg ********
@Mark *******
Cheers for the quick response. I was meant to be getting Pfizer booster through work tomorrow but their seems to be miscommunication. I might just go and get Moderna and claim it on expenses. Did you wait long between booking and appointment?
Mark ********
@Greg *******
2 weeks. I was in no rush and happy that the experience was efficient. Cost is 1650 baht
Greg ********
@Mark *******
Cheers. 2 week wait is fine.
Mark ********
@Greg *******
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