I have full custody of my half Thai son this is the reason I was applying. I wasn’t actually paying attention in immigration as it was long day only noticed while stopped for a drink.
I have the immigration officers line ID so I did call and he said if I do get called to work come in snd he will get the extension of stay before I go to work, I asked even if it’s in 2 weeks he said no problem!!
I was aware of the non-0 stamp on left and the 90 day admitted until....ok and thx for answering about the stamp at the bottom right.... but like I said people I know I have asked said they don’t have this, that was the reason I was asking mate....so is the stamp at bottom right normal then??
I understand that part ... but the stamp on the bottom right of the page what does that say and mean... also the writing above the date says non-o, then followed by what?? Do U know??