Mai bpenh rai, it probably will be teamoney again. By the way, I often read your posts and think they are a great help for every Farang here. Thanks and keep up the good work.
Sorry to butt in, but I have a question about this affidavit. I am an Austrian citizen on Non O A yearly extensions backed up by a certificate of income (monthly pension). Now, for the first time in years, Kanchanaburi Immigration asks for "legalization" of that certificate by the Thai foreign ministry. I think that this is not legal (I know that "legal" in Thailand depends on many things, .....). Do you know a central Immigration authority I could contact to get reliable info (I know that "reliable" in Thailand .....)? Would greatly appreciate your advice.
Wow, that's a good idea. Thais don't like to stamp or sign Farang documents and can sell their own for a better price. I will certainly look into this option, thank you so much. Did you have Thai help or can a Farangutan do that by himself?
Vielen Dank fuer Deine mitfuehlenden Worte. Ich bin momentan diesbezuelich mit meiner Botschaft in Kontakt (wird im Kleingedruckten des EU- "Dokuments" als Ansprechstelle bei Problemen empfohlen). Die Leute dort sind sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit; vielleicht geht da was. Ausserdem grase ich gerade alle erreichbaren "Agenten" ab (ich weiss, nicht empfehlenswert und ich habe auch noch nie einen verwendet), meine ueblichen, behoerdlichen Brown Envelope-Kontakte sind leider ueberfordert. Dein Vorschlag ist natuerlich auch noch eine Moeglichkeit, danke. Viel Erfolg fuer Dich und Deine Steuerpflicht. Ich denke immer wieder , dass es uns hier in Thailand trotz aller Jammereien (wir Oesterreicher sind Weltmeister im Jammern, Raunzen und Schwarzsehen) weitaus besser geht als unseren Landsleuten in der Heimat. In diesem Sinne wuensche ich Dir eine schoene Zeit in Thailand. Herzlichst, Michael
Taking into account the credibility of all the data published (and edited) by Thai authorities etc., I would say that a constant manipulation of the exchange rate (e.g. by lying about the Thai foreign exchange reserves) is not out of the question.
You just have to find the right dealer and maybe give him a little tea 🤑. Depends on where you're staying. I got my bike in Krabi without extra payments, proof of residency and other shit.