Mal *****
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Mal *****
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Mal *****
Only one needs the bank account and funds if you are married your wife can get like a dependant Visa
Mal *****
Dont think they would bother just for 1 day but if they do just pay the 500 baht it's no big deal
Mal *****
Dont sponsor. Say she is single and just wants a holiday, helps if she gas a job and other things to come back to, tell her to open another bank account and send money each month into it name it holiday fund this will show that she been planning a holiday, also only book 10 days holiday so just need to show around £120 a day spending with some extra, you can then change the flight as the Visa will be for 6 month
Mal *****
Buy a ticket in advence to the country you are doing the boarder run to so if airline wants to see that you will be leaving Thailand within the 30 day entry stamp you can show it. Most airlines wont let you board without proof you will leave
Mal *****
@Paul ************
that's not true anybody can visit the uk just need to prove they will not be a drain on government resources and they will not stay. I am married to a thai girl and when we go to the uk she just applies for a Visa for herself I dont sponsor her. We tried the sponsor route years ago and much easier if your wife just says she's single and wants a holiday. She will need to have around £150 per day in her bank, the visa is for 6 month but say she only coming for 10 days then change the flight china eastern is free to change. Also need to show that she will return to Thailand like having property, a job, family here. My wife has a separate bank account which she sends money to each month and named holiday fund so bank statements show this, her normal bank statements show her salary going in but never has money in at the end of the month but Visa not care about this as long as it looks like she can support herself and will return it's very simple
Mal *****
@John *********
he is looking at bringing his wife to the uk for a holiday not him coming to Thailand
Mal *****
Why are you using an agent if your wife just wants to go to the uk for a short tine then a tourist Visa is needed and thats all, no need for you to show anything, she has to show and prove that's she will return to Thailand. everybody's allowed a holiday so if she has money in her bank and a job why cant she just go on holiday no need for an agent or to prove you earn enough money or even that your married, no sponsor letter or anything, people think to deep when it comes to a Visa. Just tell your wife to apply on her own and say just a holiday. Very easy not all thai are in a relationship but travel to the uk
Mal *****
It's very easy I brought my dog from the uk I used turkey airlines so dog came in cabin with me. Think I paid £60. Paperwork you need health cert from vet ( free) vaccine certs, import export papers again free. After you land just go to animal vet in the airport they check the papers and give you the import paper 300 baht then take that with dog to something to declare and pay import tax 1000 baht all very very easy to do
Mal *****
Paperwork you will need export and import certificate. Paper from vet to say dog fit to fly. Microchip with paper with the code, and vaccine papers. Not need rabies vaccine can get that here much cheaper