you say it is slow when if you look at the WISE terms it CLEARLY says it takes 4 days… so it isn’t slow, it is exactly what they say it is Sherlock!
You saying it is slow, well it isn’t!!!
I don’t have the patience or crayons to explain it any simpler for the likes of YOU who don’t process the information that is provided by the company and service you are using.
I had no issues updating my Bangkok Bank to get a new card, still had $$$ in the account. The bank will need your current card, your bank book if they issued one ( I have a bank book with BKK bank ) your Passport and have a Thai phone 📱 number, will make everything a lot smoother. Best of luck.
I am a wanderer, prefer the ability to change my outlook and experiences, especially if you get unlucky and some noisey people in the next unit or above you etc.
I am sure you know that Foreigners can not OWN Thai land, unless it is via a company structure which is costly exercise.
His life, he is aware of the situation. I wish him well, hard not to be a cynic when we know of others that have wandered this path and the consequences that arise more often than not.
if you have been going to Thailand for a few years, have immersed yourself in Thai culture you will understand the importance and that YES you are indeed Marrying the Family.