Gordon ********
This is a summary of
Gordon ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 6 questions and added 52 comments.



Gordon *********
Will soon be applying for visa for my thai wife and I to visit family in the UK as we are both in our late 60s and retired will we still have to provide documents about her finances and income
Gordon *********
@Ian ******
living overseas I can not open a long term account talking of my experience with my bank in Aus
Gordon *********
@Kool ******
I use Bangkok bank I find them OK small amount of interest covers bank charges
Gordon *********
Better than banking in Aus you get Jack shit
Gordon *********
Been here 4 years still struggling with the language may be just a slow learner it's based on tones witch my old voice box cannot acquire cheers
Gordon *********
Just renewed my OA

LMG insurance