. Well there you have it. When the embassy/consulate asks for it that's different as one won't have a visa Will they if they've not got onward ticket but with a visa stamped in,you're good to board.
. Firstly, I've flowing many times nz-bkk on a one way with a tourist visa. I was questioned once and explained the same thing as I have to your good self. Then no problem. Why,would a Thai embassy, who requires ones itinerary issue one a visa against as you are saying it's countries laws?
I beg to differ,as they make the airline rules and it's easy to show that at check-in and if still a problem one can speak and show that to a supervisor, or in the end sign a waiver.
Steve, I was probably talking more so about tourist visa as far as itineraries go,which is what I've always been asked to send in,but overall, what I said applies,including IATA which makes the rules for the airlines,so an O A as far as check in applies falls into the exact same category as a T.V. and they cannot refuse you boarding.