How soon can I apply for a visa extension in Thailand based on my income affidavit?

February 22, 2019
6 years ago
Jim *******
Hello,Tod and all,Robert/Tod, my extension at C/Wattana based on being over 50 expires on 22April 2019. I have income Affidavit from my embassy but,am worried about the cut off date of 1March. So how soon can I go to Immigration to get renewal please?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is inquiring about the timing for renewing their Extension of Stay visa based on being over 50, which expires on April 22, 2019. They have an income affidavit but are worried about the cut-off date of March 1 for certain changes regarding proof of income. Other commenters clarify that the renewal can be applied for between 45 days before the expiration date and that the March 1 changes do not affect those using income affidavits from their embassies.
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Gregor **********
to my knowledge, the 12-month income proof can also be done by people from countries whose embassies do still issue the affidavits. The method is not restricted to the citizens of those four countries you mentioned. Correct me if wrong. The police order does not mention a specific country
Tod *********
You are mistaken (OR at least in Bangkok you are) .

I know of TWO verified reports where people were trying to use the monthly income method of overseas international transfers to their bank account each month AND whose embassies still issue the letter.

Both people were denied their extensions even though they had 100% complete documentation showing the monthly transfers into the country. They were told to go to their consulates and get the embassy notary letter.

I'd say IF you come from a country that issues the notary letter don't waste your time getting the monthly transfer documentation together, just go get the embassy letter.
Tod *********
@David *********
It's more often just b/s rumors and conjecture from people who don't understand what the changes were.

There were TWO changes (one which takes effect on the 1st of march and which has NOTHING at all to do with the income affidavits) ONLY with the banked money method and the seasoning changes to the extensions based on retirement..

The other was a change made RIGHT after those 4 consulates stopped issuing the affidavits.

It stated IF someone from there still wanted to use monthly income that the immigration office would take 12 months of international money transfers into a thai bank account for the minimum amount required EACH month for the previous 12 months before you apply for your new extension. <- that was specifically done for people from the 4 consulates Robert mentioned (AND for the consulates that never issued the letter before either)


IF your consulate still issues the affidavit you have to get one, even IF the immigration office (like Chiang Mai) requires proof that what you have on the document is backed up with some other document.
Robert *******
You can go between 45 days and 22 April 2019 to apply for a new Extension of Stay. There are no changes if you use the income affidavit from your Embassy, so not sure why you are worried about the 1st of March.
David **********
@Robert ******
I understand, it's often the wording Robert,
Robert *******
David Mcmillan No need for confusion. First you look at your passport. Is this from the UK, USA, Australia or Denmark than you can not get the income affidavit and have two options to apply for the Extension of Stay, OR with banked money or with 12 monthly foreign deposits on your Thai bank account. If you have a passport from another country, contact your Embassy first and apply for the income affidavit, use this income affidavit for your Extension of Stay or banked money.
David **********
@Tod ********
I think the confusion lies where it is stated that some are not issuing affidavits, which is why the financials have changed,

I would reccomend people (if they can) play it safe with the deposited monies, either in a Thai bank or transferred monthly, Immigration have stated it will be up to the io on the day, but some leniency will be allowed for 2019 in regards to transferred monies.
Tod *********
Jim James I believe you read and understand incorrectly :O .

There is NOTHING in the new rules that take effect on the first of March that says the income affidavit is no longer accepted.

They are good for 6 months from the date they're issued.

The ONLY thing that changes on the 1st of march is the seasoning time for banked money on retirement extensions.
Jim *******
@Steve ******
. Well, I know that Steve, but I read several times, that 1st of March was the cutt off date..!
Steve *******
@Jim ******
Not sure about that, they're valid for 6 months from the date of issue and should be valid even after the 1st March
Jim *******
Robert , it was my understanding that income affidavits won't be accepted after March the 1st.
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