Bryce *******
This is a summary of
Bryce *******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 8 comments.


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Bryce *******
@Kenny *********
So, if Google's the be all, end all, and nobody's experience and knowledge can compete, why join the group?
Bryce *******
@Brett *********
Thanks for providing a full, informative response. 👍🏻
Bryce *******
@Nick *********
What? Are suggesting snarky FB respondents like me don't offer the best advice zero money can buy?
Bryce *******
@Steve ******
That excellent woman in the pic with you will keep you healthy for a goodly number of years. I'm counting on my Thai woman to do same for me.
Bryce *******
@Steve ******
Everything's a joke to you gosh darn kids! And get off my lawn!
Bryce *******
@Steve ******
That conflicts with the man's role of being a provider. Yep, I'm old and old fashioned.