Neil ********
This is a summary of
Neil ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 11 comments.


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Neil ********
@Tullio ******
Guys lets keep it civil!

Everyone has an opinion 🀷 agree to disagree life is to short .

Nice to see constructive posts from all of you as op is asking for help
Neil ********
Nice way to make friends? If you criticise others you will get it back tenfold!!

Try and keep it civill that goes for everyone πŸ’― 😌 πŸ‘Œ
Neil ********
@Steve **********
Agree but with so many nationalities it gets lost in translation.

Leaving Wales in September and will try Hua Hin for 3 months to see if it is suitable as Wales is flooded with illegal immigrants