James *********
This is a summary of
James *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 30 questions and added 119 comments.



James **********
@Roger ********
Thanks for a comprehensive answer. Even If I could find the damn Tm30 on the play store (which I cant) My gf flew off today on a trip and is unable to assist today.

I think I will have to drive to Sei Racha immigration tomorrow and do it in person. I'm assuming using thecTM 30 app She would need to receive the login credentials. ???
James **********
@Francesco ******
thanks but She has just flown off on a business trip and cant assist. Besides this portal accommodates house owners.
James **********
Thank you. I appreciate that you replied even though commenting had been closed.
James **********
@Tod ********
Thanks Tod. I have been considering that. I will speak to her about doing it. Cheers.
James **********
@Tod ********
Thanks Tod...very clear now. How long does the 800k have to be in the Thai bank prior to applying for in country Non-O visa?
James **********
@Tod ********
I understand that. I'm not concerned about it. I just want to get An O based on retirement next time.
James **********
But it was supposed to be one year
James **********
My Visa has expired as of 17 Oct 2019