Andre **********
This is a summary of
Andre **********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 9 comments.



Andre ***********
Is it acceptable to post (enclosing self-addressed stamped envelope) as is with 90 days notification?
Andre ***********
Andre ***********
If you leave a job you are officially required to cancel your extension (and therefore your passport work permit stamp is cancelled) immediately.

However, also be aware that immigration and the work permit offices are separate administrations and often not in efficient contact with each other... so it you could take the RISK of staying 4 months and leave (best to fly out), and return on a holiday visa (but if you want to work you will still have to have the work permit cancelled for a new one to be processed).

Good luck. >?>?
Andre ***********
Thanks... the legality and how authorities deal with issues remains cloudy... (and subject to fines).
Andre ***********
90 days online (but do it 20 days prior)

Andre ***********
Stuart Cumming Correct... if the online system is working well.
Andre ***********
@Stuart ********
You can also do it by registered post (well in advance) - no need to go to Immigration Office.
Andre ***********
The Ed Visa and the 90 Days Report are separate - you have to do both.
Andre ***********
And you have to ensure your TM30 is in order too... .