The bride rang our bank branch and booked in the day before we had to go to immigration, for the letter and transaction history, so they didn't look quite as confused as if we had just rocked up. Next morning stopped at the atm en route, easy peasy.... It was overkill but we also made two sets of copies of everything , the lady officer we saw was in raptures, I think... 555
is that 60 day extension for Thai family a one off..? I had to use that 60 day extension once before, after a bad accident that left me short of funds.. my present visa expires 27 of May.. I have the required funds now, but not a lot to spare if I have any major dramas... cheers
I just did mine, immigration likes to see hard copies printed on photo paper and glued or stapled to a plain piece of A4. One has to have you and the family in front of the residence with the numbers clearly visible and at least one inside, like the lounge room.. I think first year there has to be one of the both of you in the bedroom.. I took photos with the phone ( they don't like selfies, I heard) so used a ladder as a stand.