Crystal ***********
This is a summary of
Crystal ***********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 16 comments.


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Crystal ***********
@Lynnette ******
was wondering the same thing. Just go to the airlines site and book.
Crystal ***********
None other than some stomach stuff
Crystal ***********
I used to hate it and never used it, until I realized how useful it was. Not I'm addicted to it and have my own server broken up into categories and constantly use it for notes to myself, etc. all in the same place I can chat with friends or keep up with other companies at the same time.
Crystal ***********
@Carley ******
You might want to dive into the visa situation first then. Its not that easy to just up and move to Thailand permanently. If it was, we'd all be there already, lol.
Crystal ***********
Curious - what visa do you plan on jumping on in order to live there? Are you old enough for the retirement?
Crystal ***********
Just use OnwardTicket . com , cheap and easy.
Crystal ***********
probably best asked in Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao Thailand
Crystal ***********
if they have, they wouldn't be in the "Thai" Visa group