Erik **********
This is a summary of
Erik **********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 55 comments.



Erik ***********
@James *******
well, and I say stop being so Thai. If something is wrong always complain and complain again. Who cares if we are guests in Thailand. Since we/the guests are the once upholding Thailand economy and also we should teach them what is correct public government policy. If one can and one always can go as high as posible with once complain. Maybe file something in the court as well.
Erik ***********
File an official compliant against the incompetent IO.
Erik ***********
@Paul ********
well, as a lawyer amd when a government official is not doing his/her job correct one always have to write it. Or else, how will they ever improve? I know the culture in Thailand is behind a civilised country, but at the same time if no one complains how can they improve and become a better country? It have to start somewhere and if the individuals does wrong, one have to start with them. Or else they will just continue with their shitty tactics, since they don't have to fear any reprisals.
Erik ***********
@Tod ********
he should of course write the IO is completly bias, incompetent and racist due to the IOs approach and refusal.
Erik ***********
Well not wanna make a fuss only does that you help with the corrupt system here in Thailand. You should have stood your ground and insisting it was closed or even had her given you a written statement that they are open even if the sign says closed. And taken it as high up in the food chain one can do.
Erik ***********
@James *******
that is not a good idea since the airline will ask for either the return ticket or a ticket out of Thailand within 30 days. If she cant show any of these the airline won't even let her board the plane.