you can extend 30 days. Work permit near impossible since you have to enter with b visa. Contact thsi embassy in pnom Penh... They'll tell you what's possible. Use the phone or email. Thailand is a disaster right now anyhow. Protests, students being killed, military dictatorship, everything closing because of covid... 14 day quarantine in arrival and lots of other crap.
Lisa... Thry do NOT get free testing. Thry have to pay unless ordered by the govt to test. I sent 2500 baht to someone to test who was sick because... It's not free. Not. Not. Health care is also not free. There are a few things free... But lots of thais aren't covered... It's cheap, unless something major is wrong...
Lisa, Lisa, Lisa... I'm talking about thais. They never get tested unless they show symptoms. They have to pay for testing and they're poor.... Covid is probably 10x what they say it is, but most are asymptomatic, as they are everywhere else