phone call or email. theyre busy so it may take a few days. we have all had issues in this process, its NOT easy. but you have to understand something very very simple. this is NOT america. its their country, their rules. period.
also, make sure you complete ALL paperwork exactly as specified by the Thai Livestock office. Microchip # is extremely important and should be on ALL documents. you need an import certificate just to get your animal on the plane.
step 1 - go to the thai embassy website in your country. figure out which visa you want. make sure you qualify for said visa. make a list of EVERY document and step involved in said visa. check thia list at least 3 times !!!
step 2 - make your plans at least 30 - 40 days out
step 3 - assemble ALL documents needed for application.
step 4 - upload documents. you will get an email with further instructions. if you dont get said email in 2 days. call the embassy. do not ask a friend. do not ask a FB group. call the embassy and speak to a human.
actually what we learned is your "friend" isnt able to follow directions. is the process easy ? no but he obviously did not read anything on the embassy website or do any research on how to get here at all.