Mike ******
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Mike ******
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Mike ******
@Heinz **********
?? OP says she returned to thailand on 14 May, so it appears the Aug 14th 90 day is first since her arrival. No?
Mike ******
@Heinz **********
can not do first 90 day report after arriving Thailand online nowadays. 2nd and after ok.
Mike ******
I was told by Pattaya immigration that new it system requires a visit to immigration after each entry to thailand. After that online ok.
Mike ******
At least Pattaya always ask to see original bank book in addition to copies of the observation period (since last renewal)
Mike ******
Can only do after 14 days before 90th date and 7 before. Also, if you have new passport, the first 90 day report with that passport must be done I person. At least was like that for me 3yrs ago.
Mike ******
@Ellie ******
really can tag on another 50+ year old as dependent without marriage andwithout having to meet the 800k requirement for the dependent separately?
Mike ******
I just renewed my non-o retirement extension on Thursday . They carefully checked bankbook for previous 12mo for the 800k/400k balance. And gave paper with date to report in 3mo again. So, answer is solid yes.
Mike ******
I tried 3 yrs ago 40 days before but was asked to come back when expiry is within 30 days. My reason was to go to dissertation session of my sister, that was not acceptable so I missed it. They might do if some very special reasons, but the only way to know whether they think is good enough reason is to go and ask.
Mike ******
I had to go pattaya immigration to do 90 day in person yesterday as had new passport and online did not work due to that. Not a word about tm30. Did not have anything in New passport about tm30 either as done online before when old passport in use still.
Mike ******
Just go to immigration and apply extension of stay for 30 days. Simple. More than that u can not get during normal circumstances without leaving the country. Whether can get another extension under coming extraordinary circumstances remains to be seen