Keryn ******
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Keryn ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 17 comments.


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Keryn ******
If you cannot go home because your country is not safe, get a letter from your countries embassy to extend your visa.
Keryn ******
There are visas you can get for 1 year etc. but As always. They cost
Keryn ******
@Dave **********
yes I came out today that Australia will email you an extension. Will take 2 days to get it emailed.
Keryn ******
@Stig *************
takes too long to get letter sent. But have email addressed to us so if there are any issues will show then the email from embassy an if that fails I will ring them an Hand phone over. They have put their details on the letter and advised that if they need confirmation they can call. So we will see how that goes.
Keryn ******
Where can we get embassy letters printed. We rang and got ours emailed within 5 minutes from embassy (New Zealand) but don’t have a printer.
Keryn ******
Roy de Graaf.

Ha ha ha. Your profile photo says different. Shoe fits.
Keryn ******
They’re just bored and have nothing better to do than troll an get nasty. They’re obviously of small minds and think they’re entitled to be here. They too will always only be temporary residence, that’s why they have to keep applying for visas every few weeks. They are selfish an have no empathy, some of us cannot go home as the country has closed off to all flights, some countries are breeding grounds for the virus so is safer to be here. We aren’t taking anything from the Thai people by being here. We are supporting the locals by buying their food and renting their

Houses. Just ignore the haters. Most of them live here because they’re tight wads an don’t want to stay in their own country and support that. Some are here looking for a Thai wife because they can’t find one from the millions in their own country. So they’re Tight and ugly. lol