Dee **********
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Dee **********
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Dee **********
@Bobby *******
Yes correct. An onward ticket to anywhere...So long as Huey doesn't front up at check-in unprepared. 👍
Dee **********
It's the airline from Australia which may require you to have a return ticket before they allow you to board your out-going flight.
Dee **********
of course you can guess as chips and effective, but banned because big pharmaceutical companies could not develop their experimental gene therapy jab if there was an alternative treatment. Go figure!! So unethical and criminal.

Follow the money...
Dee **********
Isaac BD, 100% is totally incorrect.

Ivermectin and HCQ, if used in the early stages, will block onset of serious symptoms and hospitalisation and does so without messing with your natural immune system. Proven efficacy and effectiveness and cheap as chips. But don't make massive money for big Pharmaceutical companies.
Dee **********
Yes, sent described as forwarded mail.
Dee **********
@Tommi *******
why didn't you ask your doctor. 🤔 Better than here.
Dee **********
@Sara ***********
ok, I stand corrected. When did the government change the rule?
Dee **********
@Tod ********
and if you were married you can quarantine together. If unmarried you will both have to quarantine separately.
Dee **********
@Sam ********
can I PM you please? I was knocked back 1st time...a week ago.