Andrew ********
This is a summary of
Andrew ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 8 comments.



Andrew *********
I just want to say i didnt take the pic - i dont know who did Ive had it as a screen saver for a few years my condo is the yellow ring ! 😁💪
Andrew *********
Its easy Just fill in the forms and provide evidence - dont LIE I just got 6 months multi entry ...... message me if you have any questions and i'll try to help you ;-)
Andrew *********
@Todd ********
everything was intuitive - and a simple exercise ;-)
Andrew *********
I just got Schengen and also 6 months UK for my wife - very easy just fill out the forms and include evidence - i submitted 33 pages - PM me if you want any advice - good luck
Andrew *********
Very Fast marriage visa also - non o - I fully recommend you chat to them before committing to anyone else....
Andrew *********
%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0A3W3dYMtwjtQrC_cQ9n-MvISNVVhfpMzkuSjLdF3Tyi0HFXBc5pF4bWw&h=AT1rfWoxhHw4HHgzCuq1JnP1Nz5Bc5Pue4N779OKY1CQ3cODO5ESZbEWbF_at0M2dQY98sXGD7Yl2wM4lLpW4MuG3aNax9MeZn3mLT97k3mEOLmlkttFbKhtIkXHOdon4kE marriage and visa - Very good service Fluent English