I do 6 months in England as her visa stipulates no longer than 6 months and do about 5 months 2 weeks here, never overstayed, had onward flight to UK 1 May, funds and a place to live, a lesson learnt for me and I’m just trying to make people aware, previously I had used 3 month tourist visa and a border bounce without issue for the 4 years that I have been coming to Thailand, from what the immigration guy was saying he wanted me to get married and have a marriage visa, on the one hand the government are desperate for tourists and on the other hand they make things difficult?
Hi Liz, my post was just about the costs of going in and out of Thailand, just wait until you’ve done 30 days exempt then go to Cambodia on your return any extension will cost 1,900 baht each and it would be better to go to immigration closer to the end of the 30 day exemption as sometimes when you go early they ask you to come back again nearer to the end of your 30 days
Once you leave Thailand your visa will finish, if you renew the 30 day visa before you leave you will have to pay 1,200 baht each-for a re entry visa as well as 1,900 baht each for your 30day extension, just have your 30 days on arrival for free go out the country for a week then get another 30 day on arrival visa when you come back again for free, I have just visited Singapore for 3 days in the last week so this information is current.
They need to know the lab number which is printed on the document and you then tick negative I uploaded the document as well just ask hotel to e-Mail result info is on letter
Visa valid 3 months from date of issue I think that after 2 months you need to go to immigration and pay for 1 month,visa first then attach copy of visa to COE you will need hotel SHA confirmation that you have paid for both hotel and PCR, 8,000 baht on the visa I lost 10 days as flight on Friday visa issued 07 July return by 06 October
5 days London done mine last week send Special Delivery and you need to send a Special Delivery label for the return as postage is not included in £60 price