Action is needed now. Right now I'm supposed to somehow get through checkpoints supposed to stop people leaving Ao Nang and go and crowd into immigration in Krabi just to get a stamp. If this is so serious then take some serious action so people don't need to travel unnecessarily. You are forcing people to travel against quarantine guidelines and then crowding them into perfect conditions for virus spread.
I have to go also but Ao Nang is in lock down and we have checkpoints that you need permission to get through. Immigration law is now conflicting with quarantine law. One says I have to go and one says I have to stay.
Unfortunately I can't stand by as I have to visit immigration in the next few days unless something changes. I really do not want to travel through checkpoints and across the province for this, it is crazy when we are supposed to be staying at home.
People on lanta say that immigration is coming there soon to solve this problem. I also hope we may get an announcement tomorrow regarding issues like this. Good luck.
Well our experience at Makro was our small daughter was just over the temperature. Provably because she came out of air con onto the hot motorbike. She had to sit and wait for a few minutes until her temp dropped.