Anonymous participant just Taipei want income for soft power, I got rejected from Taipei and then i applied in Manila , without any questions about the income, just the money which i have in the bank account
They was looking at my bank statement and they asked me if I work. I work as freelancer , I do crypto and stocks, but there is not contract for what I do. Overall I have daughter and my job right now is to be mother.
Basically I have money, they can see but I guess for them "Taipei" is red flag if you don't work with company and you have money coming and money going out.
I specially I asked in Manila if I'm selling apartment and the money which are gonna come in my account do I need any proof and they said "Yes is better if you show as proof tge contract for the selling.
I was really shocked. First I'm in private hospital, my insurance does not cover the costs of my medical treatment, I already had 3 past appointments with paid 6-7k bath per appointment.
The only thing which I add as documents is x-Ray of my leg in Manila.
I don't really understand why I've been denied in Taipei , because I don't work with contract?
Money are coming in my bank and they can see it.
In Manila i couldn't apply for my daughter for DTV because they wanted another 500k bath for her. But this I can understand and I really respect it.
I've been denied in Taipei last week , even I was soft power/ medical treatment. Short story i went to Manila in the same night, next day I apply and I got approved.
P.S i have all of the documents, all of the money, just I don't work with company, I'm freelancer and I have daughter as well, so I don't have contract with company, I guess thry don't like someone to have money and no contract .
I donβt understand why you suggest this. She got her Dtv visa she can apply for her kid, without any problems. The only problem is if the embassy is gonna need proof for your kid of 500k bath, depends from the embassy