You need to pay taxes only if you are in Thailand for more than 180 days per year. Actually banks started asking about your residencey(Kaskior) so it looks like "you don't need to pay taxes here" slowly ends
If you spend more then 180 days in the country, you can become tax resident in Thailand and pay taxes here. How it looks like in your country depends on the country and your specific situation. Talk with tax advisor in your country and later in Thailand
That is extremely funny, I had a similar situation, I want to pay taxes here in Thailand, I've paid someone to calculate it, the amount was more then 100k baht so I need to make a transfer from THAI bank( for less you can pay in cash), I'm going to a bank " Sorry can't open account for you". So does that mean I don't need to pay taxes? Amazing country 0% taxes for all people on DTV and ED visa 🤣🤣