Marijke ********
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Marijke ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 22 comments.


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Marijke ********
They flagged you in the system and will see all when you enter. Be aware that you might breaking the riles. Why not go for longterm visa
Marijke ********
Thai Restaurant
Marijke ********
Have you looked it up at the Thai government site? Your girlfriend must be able to help you out I guess. None of us has taken that route yet
Marijke ********
Without his Thai passport he might need proof and stamp when he came in and probably a visa in his Danish paspoort. Are you trying to get him out the country?
Marijke ********
One month? I will be bored after 1 week already looking at the paddy fields. It's so isolated from the rest of the world and I truly understand you. Hope this relationship works for you
Marijke ********
This is the second time you're asking this question?