David ********
This is a summary of
David ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 12 comments.



David *********
they are correct a tourist visa is more involved versus a finance visa , both take time accuracy and effort ... whether or not they can do it is hard to prove unless they have recommendations ... from people who have been through the process , I have done both ...
David *********
Never plan to the day, or plan a long time in the men’s room you can control things
David *********
When the system gets loaded up with to many reporting they will figure out a better methodology give it time to fail properly , I’ve working with data assessment collections systems for over 20 years trust the system lol
David *********
It is an honor system in certain aspects but if you are caught you can be fined and eventually a record will be created as they get better about this reporting thing the power of attorney requirement is questionable , get your own attorney and get them to write a letter to the IO office getting that knocked down.
David *********
you are pushing the envelope there buddy, trust me you will be caught and deported, just a matter of time , they really are getting on top of this game, I was questioned at Sukvumbumi about not having a full spousal visa like the last 2 I had in my passport, so they are checking ... I only needed the 30 day regular stamp for some family business and to check on the properties, next when I come back it will be to retire and stay here with my Thai family, and I will be prepared as I already have the money in the bank now , and married and will get on the local house book this trip. All in the rules and the planning.
David *********
Yup doesn’t look the proper use os the tourist visa way to many times I expect they will flag you in the system permanently
David *********
report her to the authorities when you file your form then write AIRBNB and tell them about breaking the laws of the law in Thailand
David *********
@Barry ******
if they haven’t the fine is on them , report them to the athorities
David *********
Few countries have visa exempt stamp process so anything above that needs to be vetted properly and 20 million came last year to a country of 46 million that is a lot of people to process man6 more than the USA do and try getting a visa through the USA .. you have to mail it in prior to an interview process, obviously you don’t know what a foreigner goes through in the USA to stay
David *********
your stay is being real lazy ... tell the immigration officer and they can send a police person around to read him the riot act and fine him in to doing it next time properly ...