What health insurance options are popular among expats in Thailand and what are the costs?

Oct 6, 2024
10 days ago
Cullen **********
what health insurance do you use in thailand, what's the coverage and how much you pay monthly?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion on health insurance for expats in Thailand reveals a variety of options and experiences. Many participants share personal recommendations such as Safewing, Allianz Global Health, and AIA, along with details of their coverage and monthly costs. Self-insurance is also mentioned as an alternative for long-term expats. Costs vary significantly, with some mentioning premiums around 90,000 baht per year to 3,160 USD yearly with high coverage limits. It is emphasized that prospective policyholders should consider their specific needs (like inpatient vs outpatient coverage) and possibly consult with insurance brokers for personalized advice.
Youssef ******
Yorick ******
Talk to an insurance broker for personal advice. AA Insurance Brokers have offices all over Thailand where you can go and walk in
Pertti *************
I'm living and working here and have Thai Kingdom social security and can freely use healthcare services🙏
Benjamin **************
Milan ********
Allianz, 250 euro per year :)
Sylvia ********
@Milan *******
what is your age?or is that monthly payment ?
Milan ********
@Sylvia *******
36, yearly ... but as i mentioned above, it is travel insurance with unlimited cover, dentist to 333€ ... The insurance covers the costs of treatment, hospitalization, medicines, medical examinations, transportation back to the homeland, in case of sudden illness or injury, etc. in accordance with the insurance conditions.
Tore *********
@Milan *******
what plan do you have with them that is only 250 a year?? Travel insurance?
Milan ********
@Tore ********
sorry, not health but travel insurance with unlimited coverage valid for year without travel time restriction ... they cover everything, also my recent root canal problem, i never need to pay nothing in Bangkok hospital
Neil ******
AIA. 60 million baht inpatient/outpatient. Worldwide coverage excluding USA. ฿
Jeff *******
@Neil *****
No chance! Unless you're 15?
Neil ******
@Jeff ******
yes, I'm fucking 15. 🙄 But, nice of you to stop by to call me a liar.
Jeff *******
@Neil *****
You have not got 60 million baht of worldwide cover PLUS outpatient cover for 65k baht. Not in a million years. a 40 year old with AIA with 25m cover, and NO outpatients cover, ONLY for use in Thailand would be paying circa 70k! I've got the table in front of me 😉
Neil ******
@Jeff ******
I'm older than 40 and you must be looking at a chart for a different policy. The outpatient coverage is included in the 60Mthb if it's related to inpatient treatment before or after. General outpatient is 40k per year. The premium was just paid as I renewed last month with an exact payment amount of 65,960 on 20 September.

Are we going to continue this bullshit?
Jeff *******
@Neil *****
Right now we're getting somewhere, so the policy you have plus outpatient is actually 105,960 baht which is where I would expect it to be. We got there in the end
Neil ******
@Jeff ******
outpatient is included in my policy. I'm pretty sure there is no option to exclude it. And, again, the premium is actually what I paid for it as represented.
Jeff *******
@Neil *****
You've already said yourself, it's included as a FOLLOW UP to an impatient stay. If you go and cut yourself/burn yourself/octopus attack that causes a problem blah blah blah and go to outpatient, it's NOT included. If it was the premium would be 105k! You have got impatient cover plus anything directly related to that, you DO NOT have outpatient cover too for 65k. Still like I said we got there.
Neil ******
@Jeff ******
no that’s not what I said. I said outpatient before and after related to an inpatient stay is included in the 60 million. 40k is all other outpatient. Went to the ENT at Bangkok Hospital last year. Completely outpatient. Nothing impatient. Didn’t pay a single baht. I love how you think you know what my insurance policy is without seeing any documentation so much that you’re telling me what I have. And you’ve been doing it for 3 days.
Jeff *******
@Neil *****
and you wanted to end the bullshit! 😄 I don't know what you have but I know what you don't have! You simply stated "AIA. 60 million baht inpatient/outpatient. Worldwide coverage excluding USA. ฿
annually." - which is total bollocks and clearly misleading. You've subsequently starting throwing out other parameters you didn't mention before. So for anyone reading , you're NOT EVER going to get a health insurance policy for impatient and outpatient, with worldwide coverage for 65k baht, not with anyone, not ever.
Neil ******
@Jeff ******
you’ve spent 4 days now trying to discredit me regarding something you don’t know about. If you were nice from the beginning I would have shared the contact for my insurance agent and maybe you could have gotten yourself a better policy. But, frankly, you’re coming off as just another foreigner who doesn’t like when others have things he doesn’t. That’s really pathetic, which is why nobody is going to take your comment as authoritative. I hope you learn to grow the fuck up one of these days. There are always going to be people who have things you deem better than the things you have. It’s part of life. If you don’t get over it, you’re going to have a miserable life until you die. You’re also aware of the defamation laws here, yes? You won’t be hard to find assuming you’re complying with the law and submitting your 90 day reports.
Jeff *******
@Neil *****
jesus wept, didn't even get through half of that, but essentially, you gave it the big un, got found out and now are spewing out essays to try and retrieve it! Its weird, you claim you have this world beating policy without any AIA contacts? Was it Tom? or Fin? you see I know them both. Problem for you right? So yes or no - can the readers buy an inpatient and outpatient policy for 65k? It's no right? Just give the readers the details, easy right? 😃 I know what I'm talking about and you clearly don't! You were talking utter shite from the moment you entered the thread and it was my job to head off your misleading bollocks! As for the threats you utter embarrasing tool! PLEASE tell me your toes weren't curled up when you typed that! The bottom line is, I've outed a misleading muppet, and I'm pretty sure the thai legal system doesn't cover muppets, but I'll run that past my thai lawyer wife to confirm. Know when to stop digging Gonzo, your family will thank you for it. You're so far out of your depth.
Sylvia ********
Depends on age, what if any medication you take, whether you want to include cover as an outpatient.

I am with Allianz Ayudhya late 60's no out patients cover and annual premium is over 90,000 baht. Very happy with them, paid numerous claims in full and directly with the hospital, for me a very important fact. They accept monthly payments with no additional charge
Mark ********
Pete *******
Budget for 10k monthly and you will get a decent plan.
Bill *******
@Pete ******
With who at 71 years old in good health.
Pete *******
@Bill ******
Google Mister Prakan
Colin *********
@Cullen *********
it would be helpful if you mentioned whether you're looking for health insurance for a holiday, or living long term in Thailand. That way others can be more specific in their advice and you don't have to wade through a lot of comments that aren't what you're looking for.
Fia *****
Allianz got covered 100MB. plan + IPD+OPD+protection plan with health check up+dentist+Vaccination+


I can quote you the cost monthly, no worry for hospital bills in Thailand.

Insurance is the only way for risk transfer that help a lot when you're got illness.

Ex. my son, this year he stay in hospital and claim over 500,000฿++, This plan is paid for us full coverage.

Medical costs can be financially devastating if you're uninsured.
Fia *****
Shane ********
I can highly recommend speaking to
@Romain ********
@Tenzing ******************
, they are the leading expat insurance broker in Thailand
Jeff *******
@Shane *******
AIA claim that too
Kirsten *********
Be careful as travel medical insurance is not the same as regular medical insurance. But it’s chewier. So if you’re looking to relocate you need to consider the possibility of ending up with having preexisting medical conditions not covered. Clinics are cheap here so in patient plus test policies are a good product. If you need Thailand only cover it’s cheaper than international cover. I have international cover minus the US and it’s 4500 USD a year. There are such a range of packages depending on your needs. If you want to talk to a decent broker who will recommend a range based on your case. I can recommend one. My friend who is older than me recommended him, and has a Thai only policy for a lot less than I pay.
Yorick ******
Kirsten *********
Please Dm me rather if you want info. Make an effort :)
Randy ******
Please share contact info. Thanks!
Mark ********
@Kirsten ********
-ditto me on that Brokers deets please.
Peter ********
@Kirsten ********
brokers contact details please
Mel ******
Allianz global health (except usa). Yearly 3160 usd. 2.5 million usd coverage but 2k usd deductible.

Lots of small print and two-year moratorium etc.
Jeff *******
@Mel *****
two years???? wow - so that reads like you pay 6320us for the first two years but can't use it?
Mel ******
@Jeff ******
they required no physical and so anything could potentially be denied if they think it was pre-existing. I could have done tons more paperwork and tried to prove I had no majors pre-existing but I figure insurance as an individual buyer is all a crapshoot anyway.
Jeff *******
@Mel *****
The pre-existing is intriguing. When I looked up a policy I was told they wold NOT reach into your home country for previous conditions unless the bill was massive but told it was very rare to do that. When I asked how would they know then, they just said if a condition was presented that couldn't possibly of just happened, the would assume it already existed. The assumed word stopped me buying it as how could you possibly know your heart/liver/brain etc had been on it's last legs for years!
Tore *********
@David **
and some people aren’t very smart and don’t realize what things like Cancer treatment cost…

Health insurance protects your wealth…..
Mel ******
@David **
whatever suits them best
Neil ******
@David **
some people are idiots and think that’s enough for a catastrophic injury or some serious illness.
Mel ******
@Neil *****
let us be honest. It is all a crapshoot when we are dealing with medical insurance as individual payees. The companies in the usa used to treat individual payees horribly in the usa since they knew they could easily get away with denying claims and dropping clients or raising premiums to exorbitant amounts after a claim.

It is probably still just as bad in the usa but I have been gone for over 12 years and I still remember that insurance companies only treated you well if your employer spent enough money with the company.

But at least this way, I have made a good-faith effort to have proper medical insurance in case I end up needing a go-fund-me later in life if my insurance company treats me unfairly.
Lam ************
@Mel *****
- the new law 2025 will effect pay more instead you pay less for for proscription drug , because they use 23% 29% share cost apply for high cost medication , this year I do pay my tier 3 medication around $1200’s / year , in 2025 I have to pay 23% share cost of medication and cost me $500more , it’s horrible how the Health insurance make money in USA. only patients use insulin pay $35.00 / month
Neil ******
@Mel *****
there are remedies in both US and TH for dealing with insurance companies wrongfully denying claims.
Mel ******
@Neil *****
Neil ******
@Mel *****
OCPB is the agency in Thailand to complain about the insurance companies. Filing a lawsuit is also a way.
Mel ******
Deano *************
I’m in the uk and this is the quote I just got for 2 months. So just search around
Colin *********************
@Deano ************
the problem with multitrip ( I am currently with them) is that they will not cover for more than 60 days per trip
Brian **********
@Colin ********************
LV has an annual policy with a 90 day limit
Colin *********************
@Brian *********
thanks - will check it out
Stevie ********
@Colin ********************
try 1 year backpacker insurance as an option it has less excess and it covers all your travels, luggage as well as all medical bills
Deano *************
I don’t pay my bank pays my insurance. But just search in google for a quote there’s loads of deals. My covers 20million for medical with excess of £100 each time for my bank
Chris *****
@Deano ************
only trips up to 45 days. It’s for holidays, not for expats.
Deano *************
@Chris ****
mine covers for however long I’m away for
Jeff *******
@Deano ************
There is no way you can get wordwide medical cover for anything even close to ÂŁ17 a month. You have travel insurance.
Chris *****
@Deano ************
it does not. Many get caught out with this. Get yourself covered elsewhere
Mark ********
@Deano ************
which bank is that please?
Deano *************
@Mark *******
if your in the Uk it’s Monzo premium I pay £17 a month which covers everything from phone medical etc
David *********
I pay nothing , self insured for the last 10 years, put those savings in the stock market , now instead of making another corporation richer, I got 2 million baht cash in my hands to use as I wish to my direct benefit , not theirs
Jeff *******
@David ********
You're probably not in profit yet (but close) - a heart bypass will cost more than that at a good hospital, cancer will sweep past that with a huge add on if you want the latest targeted drugs and avoid the chemo. I was in the same frame of mind as you for years, but decided I would need circa 30 years of insuring myself to break even, if hit with something serious and wanted to choose the doctors, hospitals and treatments that insurance would give me so I jumped ship. Still, everyone to their own. Hope you continue to be lucky.
David *********
@Jeff ******
I was not asking for comment or advice , keep your shit to your self ... I was commenting to them not you stay out of other peoples stuff
Jeff *******
@David ********
You know how forums work right? People comment, it's amazing. You need to calm down or your hearts going to go bang and all those vegetables you've been eating going to waste! 🤣 - what does 'stay pour' mean? Stay calm when typing, you'll make more sense.
David *********
@Jeff ******
not luck a life time of investment in my personal health mental as well as physical
Jeff *******
@David ********
Sorry, what am I trying to sell you? Tell that to the myriad of uber fit sportsmen who die young. To get this back on the subject, what it boils down to is if buying health insurance won't trouble your finances, its pretty stupid not to buy it, however if you can't afford the admittedly high premiums, then insure yourself sure. No-one regardless of genetics or lifestyle is immune to a serious medical condition. Eating your greens also isn't going to be of much use when you need a few million baht of repairs following a car crash!
David *********
I ride daily 15 km and eat right and sleep well and do no drugs or rarely alcohol been living the intelligent life not over weight and
and resting heart rate 63 ... I will out survive 90% of the average americans of which 45% are obese ... yes I am playing the odds as is everyone you can worry about a heart attack or cancer that is your worry not mine as nether run in my family , grand parents lived in to their last 70' parents into the 80-90 so genetics and life style are on my side, plus my 43 year old cute thai wife will see I stay healthy so she can collect on my retirement for as long as possible ..
Jeff *******
@David ********
2 Tour De France riders have died of heart attacks recently, are you as fit as them? Genetics helps but cancers and heart attacks can strike anyone regardless of the track record. What I am fascinated by is your figures that more than half of americans are not obese - I'm really struggling with that when I thought it was actually the law for americans to be as fat as possible! 😉
David *********
@Jeff ******
of course I name a general statistic and you name a 1 in a million one ... not the same you worry ab out your self I will worry about my self , stop trying to sell me your world ... not interested and why I don't live in america with Trump stealing the place and getting away with it , not obese but fat and out of shape and diabetic and hypertensive all the other contributory things that lead to old age death ... my odds are I will live who my 90's .. I will play my odds and a heart attack so be it and cancer so what you want to beat everything with a medical stick ... no my issue
Peter ********
@David ********
so does that mean you haven't had insurance for the last 10 years
David *********
correct and I go for cardio evaluation annually and blood tests and cholesterol evaluation ... at the local cost of a clinic ... I can go to the public hospital or the private one , the public is long lines and only 150 baht versus the private at 550 baht a visit but in the US it would be $359 dollars for a hospital visit or a private doctor ... a huge savings for me
Lau ****
@David ********
that won’t make any difference if you’re hit by a bus and then need medical care. 😑
David *********
@Laura ******
3 million baht in the bank , local insurance limit 1 mil so I am triple covered ...
Lau ****
@David ********
fair play. At least you’re doing more to protect your health than most by being active and doing health screenings 👏🏼
Janelle *****
Safewing for digital nomads
Tore *********
@Janelle ****
you fell for the influencer ads? Check reviews of people trying to get claims paid out
Janelle *****
@Tore ********
what happened
Tore *********
@Janelle ****
nothing happened to me, as I researched them and checked their reviews 😉
Janelle *****
@Tore ********
good idea
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