Need a Motorcycle license in your home country, or expect a ticket or you can offer to pay it in cash to the officer without wasting the officers pen ink😬
I’m entering and leaving from Bangkok to return home
A ticket to Phnom Penh from JFK cost $1800 and it was a 30hr flight and a ticket to Bangkok was $1000 and a 21 hr flight ,so I bought a $125 ticket from Bangkok to Phnom Penh and saved 9 hrs of travel and saved about $650,
Here’s a good one ,for me to fly from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap I have to make a stop in Bangkok then go on to Siem Reap,no direct flights from PP,I couldn’t believe that but I understand it,there’s just not enough people traveling to make it profitable,the flight here from Bangkok was half empty.. Check it on Google
I came to Bangkok Saturday night and flew to Phnom Penh this morning ,I’m staying 10 days then returning to Bangkok and renting a car and headed south for about 14 days total
Id google other flights to other nearby destinations to compare prices then check visa cost and go from there,the flight takes 1hr 5-10 minutes