Lynn ********
This is a summary of
Lynn ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 11 comments.



Lynn *********
How do you know he is going for a NEW extension of stay
Lynn *********
@Ladek *****
I crossed yesterday from Laos at Nong Khai was not that busy and at the immigration counter they told me I had to see their Doctor who is in the little office where you get of the shutttle bus and he just looked on his list and said Australia is OK and just took my body temperature and stamped my arrival card with an international health check stamp and that was it.
Lynn *********
@Robert ******
thanks so he will end up with 90 days overall from when he arrived?
Lynn *********
@James *******
thanks when does he need to go to immigration for the extension, 7 days before the expiration or can he go now?
Lynn *********
Build it on the inside then no one will see you, stoop l ow put a tee shirt on your head and pass as a Thai
Lynn *********
Hi Tod

Sydney does not require $800k for six months, did not on Jun 6th this year only proof of finances stamped and signed by a bank, my money was only in the bank for 2 banks prior to applying for 1 year O/A, I checked with by phone
Lynn *********
@Tod ********
, yes I know you can get 2 years on a non imm O/A with no hassles and even extend further or change to retirement with 800k baht etc in the bank down the track, I was just pointing out that there are a couple issues when dealing with Nong Khai imm as they will not issue a certificate of residence on a O/A acquired in Australia for yellow book or driving licence and please don’t tell me I am wrong because I spend a bit of discussing with them. Both are not necessary to live in Thailand so a non O/A visa will suit some but not others in Nong Khai.