Florian ********
This is a summary of
Florian ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 24 comments.



Florian *********
@Ellie ******
on this window, mouse right click, print. Adjust settings such, that all details fit on one page. We do this regularly for our hotel guests, works like a charm.
Florian *********
@Ellie ******
🙏🙏🙏 perfect, thank you so much! It confirms what my embassy told me and how i understand it.... So my immigration office and my lawyer, and a visa agency which i consulted, were all wrong.

Another example how important it is to understand by yourself... also immigration officers are humans and can have a wrong understanding of the situation with therefore wrong advice.
Florian *********
I use wise for these matters, however i use the swift transfer (international transfer) in the wise app. The comment "purchase condo" will not appear on your receiving account, but on the "wise transaction invoice" it will be written on the reference field (3rd page). Just print this out. It also clearly states your international transfer.
Florian *********
@Terary *********
swift took me 12 hours. The comment didn't show up, but it was marked as international transfer... Think that's enough
Florian *********
I just did it as a testrun with a few bucks with wise, but as a swift transfer. On my Bangkok bank account it shows beautifully "international transfer" but not my comment "purchase Condominium". Continue doing test runs with different setups... Maybe theres a cheaper way 🤷‍♂️
Florian *********
We got the legalization from the country of our marriage, after we went to the relevant thai embassy to get it authorized with a beautiful stamp, after that registered in the local amphur. Job done.
Florian *********
@Wayne *********
don't forget to have pictures ready of your wife and yourself at the place of her thai residency... It sounds weird, but that's what we need to bring now, otherwise no visa 😕 check requirements, at least my embassy requires this
Florian *********
Is that question coming from these quality tourists Thailand is aiming for? Asking for a friend.
Florian *********
@Johnny ******
because what you said is simply wrong. End of discussion. Enough other guys already stated clearly how it's possible. Before you post something, make sure you post the correct information. If not, then it's bullshit. That's what i said. 🤷‍♂️