What steps does an Australian citizen need to take to register their marriage in Thailand while on a Non-O visa?

June 7, 2023
a year ago
Colin **********
An Aussie friend is married to a Thai in Australia, they now want to live in Thailand, he is now here on a 90 day Non o visa for a Thai wife and wants to gain an extension local based on his Thai wife. he understands the ext requirements. but is un-clear what the steps are for him to get married at the Amphur office.

He visited the Amphur office and they told him he had contact the Aussie embassy to have his Aussie marriage translated and certified. does anyone know if this correct? Also he needs to get his passport translated and certified. Normally this can be done by the MFA. Can anyone clarify? what the steps are?

Kind Regards

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TLDR : Answer Summary
An Australian citizen married to a Thai national, currently in Thailand on a Non-O visa, needs to register their marriage at the Amphur office to extend their visa based on marriage. The process requires that his Australian marriage certificate be translated into Thai and authorized by the Australian embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) in Australia. He may also need to certify his passport translation. It's confirmed that he cannot marry again in Thailand without a letter confirming that he's free to marry, which he cannot obtain as he is already married. Different Amphur offices might have varying requirements, so contacting the local embassy for guidance on which steps to follow is advisable.
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Lauren *******
I had to do this with my US marriage to my Thai husband. I got my US marriage certificate verified with a statement saying we are still married by the US embassy. I used a lawyer service for the translation service. Then I went through the MFA to verify document translation, then took those to the Amphur for them to verify and update the Thai database for my spouse to say he is married. Once this was complete I went to the Thai immigration office to extend for 30 days, they contacted us during that time to do a home visit to verify we are married and living together, also needed witnesses present with Thai ID cards. Then they approved my marriage visa and I just do 90-day check ins. Hope this helps!
Lauren *******
Basically, all the documents you submitted initially for the non-imm O visa from your home country have to be re-verified and translated into Thai in order to update the Thai marriage database for your spouse. At least that's how I understand it.
Will ************
If he has been married before he will need his divorce cert and if his former wife passed away he will need a copy of the death cert.
Ally ************
@Will ***********
I have recently had to register my marriage (Farang with Thai wife) at our local Amphur in Chiang Mai.. they did not insist upon translation of my passport into Thai.. but they did want our marriage certificate translated from English into Thai.. with the necessary overseas Embassy and Thai stamps on it.. we decided to use an agent to achieve this in order to expedite the process.. and to avoid having to travel to Bangkok ourselves.. and everything was completed within a couple of weeks.. the fee of around 5.5k bht they charged included a translation of my passport.. so i now have that in case of need as well.. although i'm not a fan of using agents for immigration matters as a rule.. i'd recommend others consider using an agent in this situation.. money well spent for me!
Henrik ****
@Will ***********
, that would be the case only if he was going to get married, not when being married already.
Will ************
@Henrik ***
in which case he is already legally married under Thai law. Just get his marriage cert notarised and translated. Should be valid for 3 months
Henrik ****
@Will ***********
, it takes a number of legalizations: 1) MFA in Australia, 2) Embassy of Australia in Thailand, and 3) MFA in Thailand.
Colin **********
@Henrik ***
Henry Step 1, he is now in Thailand. did you mean Aussie?
Henrik ****
@Colin *********
, the steps in Thailand might depend on which Amphur is being used for the final registration in Thailand. Local Amphurs are usually not good in English and want it translated while some Amphurs in Bangkok will accept it in English. The Australian Embassy will know which Amphur to use.'
Henrik ****
@Colin *********
, if it really needs to be translated is a good question when the original is in English. But if not translated then he will need his passport translated into Thai and legalized by the Australian Embassy and then MFA Thailand.
Henrik ****
@Colin *********
, he will need to get the translation legalized in Australia. I dont think the Australian Embassy will legalize it without being legalized by the MFA in Australia, but he can try ask.
David ***********
He needs paper work from his embassy of proof that is not married or if wife is deceased, if he's been married before, all this paperwork needs to be translated into Thai, just a photo copy of his passport plus they will need two witnesses when they do the marriage license
Phil ******
@David **********
no as he has a legal Australian marriage certificate already. He needs to follow the steps to get his Australian marriage certificate certified then translated and stamped by the MFA Thailand and then apply for his marriage visa. Thats my understanding or am I missing something?
Florian *********
We got the legalization from the country of our marriage, after we went to the relevant thai embassy to get it authorized with a beautiful stamp, after that registered in the local amphur. Job done.
Graham ******
If he got a Thai marriage visa then surely is marriage is recognised
John **********
The amphur is correct
Paul *******
I belive that if he is married in Australia, that he cannot get married again in Thailand. To get married in Thailand, an Australian citizen would need a letter from the Australian Embassy stating that he is free to marry. But if he is already married that Embassy cannot provide that letter. He needs to go th his Government office and have his Australian marriage recognised by thye Thai Government.
Colin **********
Henry, If I understand you correctly it’s a 3-step process.

1. Have his Aussie marriage certificate translated and the translation certified at the MFA

2. Have the Aussie embassy certify his Aussie marriage, based on the above document

3. Have the MFA translate and certify the Aussie certification

Is that correct?

Kind Regards Colin
Henrik ****
@Colin *********
, I am pretty sure that the Australian Embassy can give more detailed advice on this.
Henrik ****
@Colin *********
, yes, except that MFA Thailand does not do the translation, but you can have it done by agencies present at the MFA Thailand Building. If the translation is done in Thailand, then no translation will be needed in Australia as it is in English already. You probably dont need a translation into Thai anyway.
Henrik ****
@Paul ******
, he IS married already to a Thai national. He needs the marriage certificate translated and legalized. It first needs to be legalized in Australia at the MFA. Then it needs to be legalized by the Australian Embassy in Thailand. And finally legalized at the MFA in Thailand.
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