Once you are over 70 your premiums will increase a lot, plus when you want travel insurance for over 30 days coverage,premiums increase. Personally I would take the £450 coverage.Just my opinion.
I've had the same dentist in Hua Hin for 15 years, a husband and wife team. Excellent treatment and no complaints about prices.Would recommend them to anyone.
Why not consider travelling within S.E.Asia and checking out not only Thailand but Vietnam, Laos or Philippines before making what will be a very important decision for your future.
A good friend of mine had a fall in his house in Hua Hin several years ago. Ended up in Bangkok Hosp. for 5 weeks, needed 2 ops. to relieve pressure on brain.Spent 3 weeks in intensive care, his bill was 8 million baht . Luckily he had the money to pay the bill.When he came out of hospital he needed 24 hour care for about 6 months.I don't know how much that cost him.
A good friend of mine teaches English in the Phillipines, Cebu City for the past five years, he used to teach in Thailand but prefers Phillipines. Also met some Americans in Bangkok last year who used to live in Thailand but now all live in the Phillipines, not as expensive, less hassle with visas, cheaper than Thailand and better English.So a lot to consider, good luck.
Interesting comment you made about not being sold on moving permanently to Thailand. I lived there for ten years and the last few years living there got a bit disappointed at some things that were happening in the country. Anyway moved back to my own country a few years ago and now only visit Thailand a couple of times a year and also visit Vietnam where I am now considering as another place to retire to. My plan is to go and stay in Vietnam for a few months and get the lay of the land before making a decision whether to relocate again.
Agree with you, I have been renting a 2 bedroom bungalow for 14 years, 8,500 baht a month in a quiet neighbourhood. The landlady is terrific, no problem getting repairs done.