um, I’ entered the country legally without a return flight in 2014 and stayed legally working for the next 10 years. Was that stupid? Am I an idiot for holding a teaching job down for five years? Stop projecting!
Just be clear, complete, don’t assume we know where you are starting from, and use some basic common sense, and you’ll do great here and in Thailand. Helps if you do a little research first instead of asking blanket questions like please do all my trip planning for me.” We can’t predict the weather a year or months from now, we can only tell you what’s typical for the time of year. And finally, Thailand is one of the most visited countries on the planet. Bangkok is in the top five of the most visited cities on the planet. So you can rest assure that the powers that be are going to make getting here and back as easy as possible considering that tourism makes up probably more than the states 20% of the economy. You’ll be visiting a very advanced country with roots in the ancient and parts of the country still very undeveloped. But most of the places tourists go are very developed… for tourists. Think of it like going to Greece or Mexico, only the Thai food is better and the Greek/Mexican food is more expensive. And it’s a Buddhist country…