Vladimír ****
This is a summary of
Vladimír ****
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 8 comments.



Vladimír *****
Keep the Russians. Westerners will keep their money for other countries then.
Vladimír *****
Every immigrant should celebrate?
Vladimír *****
@Geoff *********
there is something like election in Thailand?
Vladimír *****
@Tod ********
TY very much for the reply. :-)

These rules are "strange". :-/ I ll check another country.
Vladimír *****
@Tod ********
Please If I already have an account with BKK bank, I would regularly send from now on over
THB as an international transfer of course, even that would not be enough to get a Non-O visa? I think in December 2023-January 2024. TY
Vladimír *****
@Gordon ******
certain documents you say?

In most countries passport is enough, telling the address is enough, phone number is enough, another personal ID is enough.

But NOT in Thailand! They love papers and red tape.

And they can stick it somewhere ...
Vladimír *****
@Chan *****
should be done by LANDLORD